Associate Professor of Religion, South Asian Studies and Islamic studies

Teena Purohit joined the Department of Religion in Fall 2009. A scholar of South Asian religions with specialties in Muslim and Hindu devotional literature, religious identity formation, and modern Islam, Purohit’s particular interests revolve around theoretical issues like conceptions of religion in modern Islam and the impact of colonial forms of knowledge on modern Muslim intellectual thought.  She teaches courses on Islam, Sufism, modern Islam, religion and politics in South Asia, theory and methods in the study of religion, and Islam and the West.  Her first book, The Aga Khan Case: Religion and Identity in Colonial India, was published in 2012 by Harvard University Press. Her second book, Sunni Chauvinism and the Roots of Muslim Modernism is forthcoming with Princeton University Press.

Current CV


Sunni Chauvinism and the Roots of Muslim Modernism

By: Teena Purohit

Princeton University Press, 2023

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To learn more about Sunni Chauvinism and the Roots of Muslim Modernism, listen to the following podcast by New Books Network.


Aga Khan CaseThe Aga Khan Case: Religion and Identity in Colonial India
By: Teena Purohit
Harvard University Press, 2012
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To learn more about The Aga Khan Case, listen to the following interview conducted
by New Books in Islamic Studies.



  • CAS RN 103 Religions of the World: Eastern
  • CAS RN 200 Theoretical Approaches to the Study of Religion
  • CAS RN 214 Islam
  • CAS RN 316/616  Modern Islam
  • CAS RN 341/641 Islamic Mysticism: Sufism
  • CAS RN 425/725 Topics in South Asian Religions
  • CAS RN 429/729 Religion and Politics in South Asia