DOD Response to “Suggested Deadline Extensions”

Please see note below from the DOD Basic Research Office seeking feedback on “suggested deadline extensions.”

We are aware that the Office of Naval Research in particular is not honoring yesterday’s OMB guidance regarding flexibility for research not performed as a result of the pandemic. We are working with our association colleagues to register our community’s concerns and encourage consistent policy across all services – perhaps using NIH’s policies as a model. Many thanks to those of you who flagged this concern for our awareness and shared advocacy.


Dear Colleagues,

Due to the social distancing and quarantine protocols that have been implemented in response to COVID-19, a number of institutions have raised concerns that they may not be able to meet upcoming proposal deadlines. In particular, we are aware that the upcoming DURIP full proposal deadline of May 15 may be impacted, and there may be other proposal deadlines from service components that will be difficult to meet if work stoppages or slowdowns at research institutions persist as seems likely. The Basic Research Office would like information from institutions about the impact that reductions in workforce and/or closure or partial closure of university administrative functions may have on institutions’ ability to meet the currently published submission deadlines. If you could inquire about this with each of your institutions, we would greatly appreciate it. It would also be helpful for institutions to give a suggested deadline extension if an institution feels that the current deadline is unworkable.

We will make every effort to accommodate work slowdowns and stoppages in our proposal schedules. However, please keep in mind that any accommodation must be balanced against the need to review proposals and obligate funding before appropriation authorities expire. If there are other program deadlines of concern from DoD or from the service components, please let us know that as well and we will relay the information to the appropriate office. Please send any information from your institutions to Jason Day (

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