Finding Funding for Pediatric Medical Research: Meet the Thrasher Research Fund (2022)

Looking for funding for pediatric medical research? Join this virtual workshop to learn more about the Thrasher Research Fund, located in Salt Lake City, which supports science that advances the diagnosis and treatment of children’s diseases. Thrasher currently funds research on childhood blindness, nutritional deficiencies, brain injuries, diabetes, asthma, cancer, genetic diseases, and infectious diseases such as HIV, malaria, and tuberculosis. The fund favors projects that have strong potential for near-term clinical translation.

Thrasher holds two competitions per year for two separate grant programs: Thrasher Early Career Awards (offering grants of $25k) and, for investigators at all career levels, E.W. “Al” Thrasher Awards (offering grants of up to $500k). Distinctively, Thrasher allows their awards to be used to supplement another grant and it funds both domestic and international projects.

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