Hosted by Debbie Cheng, Professor, Biostatistics and Director, Population Health Data Science Program (SPH)
Data science offers immense potential to draw meaningful new insights from massive data sources that can shape healthcare practice, policies, and ultimately our understanding of the world. The field of data science is unique in that it draws researchers from a particularly broad range of disciplines. There are health data scientists embedded in departments across BU—from statisticians and computer scientists to a wide range of domain area experts studying ethics, climate change, neuroscience, HIV/AIDS, and more.
The goal of this Research on Tap is to bring together students, faculty, and research scientists from various disciplines across BU to catalyze new collaborations between the many scholars working in health data science at the University. To this end, the new Population Health Data Science program at the BU School of Public Health will be offering seed funding awards to event attendees, with the goal of advancing data-driven, interdisciplinary science in health or biomedicine. Funded projects will receive $5,000 for a one-year period, which can be used to support BU trainees, research supplies, equipment, etc.
Faculty, research staff, and/or students who attend the Research on Tap event are invited to apply for this seed funding opportunity by Wednesday, December 13. If the PI is a student, postdoc, or a non-faculty researcher, then a faculty mentor should be included as a member of the team. At least one member of the research team must be from the School of Public Health. View more details about application guidelines and submission on the Population Health Data Science program website. View event agenda and slides.
Featuring: Debbie Cheng (host) | Neha Gondal | Jonathan Huggins | Heather Hsu | Vijaya Kolachalama | Kevin Lane | Judith Lok | Diane Joseph-McCarthy | Shariq Mohammed | Pawel Przytycki | Kayoko Shioda | Archana Venkataraman
About Research on Tap
The Research on Tap series, sponsored by the BU Office of Research, brings together groups of BU researchers around important topics. At each event, 10-12 researchers present a maximum of four slides and deliver a four-minute “elevator pitch” of their work. Research on Tap events are open to faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students. Each presentation is followed by refreshments and lively discussion with colleagues and potential collaborators.
View upcoming events