Research Administration Intensive for Department Administrators

TUESDAY, MARCH 25 | 8 AM – 5 PM Metcalf Trustee Ballroom 1 Silber Way, 9th Floor Sponsored Programs is hosting a Research Administration Intensive (RAI) for BU department and grant administrators, covering the entire grant project lifecycle. This consolidated version of the Sponsored Programs 2-Day Training for Department Administrators is designed for anyone who […]

Department Administrator Forum: Cash Management Invoicing

Hosted by Sponsored Programs, with guest Cash Management We invite all Boston University staff involved in Research Administration to join the Department Administrator (DA) Forum on March 6 from 11:00am – 12:00pm (via Zoom). This session will provide a comprehensive overview of cash management for our Sponsored Programs portfolio. Guest speakers from Research Financial Operations […]

Meet the Wenner-Gren Foundation (2024)

The Wenner-Gren Foundation is committed to playing a leadership role in anthropology, helping researchers advance field knowledge, build sustainable careers, and amplify the impact of anthropology within the wider world while fostering inclusiveness within the discipline. President Dr. Danilyn Rutherford will provide a virtual session focused on the foundation’s grantmaking in the areas of research, […]

Research Administration Intensive for Department Administrators

MONDAY, APRIL 22 | 8 AM – 5 PM Computing & Data Sciences Building 665 Commonwealth Avenue, 17th Floor Sponsored Programs is hosting a Research Administration Intensive (RAI) for BU department and grant administrators, covering the entire grant project lifecycle. This consolidated version of the Sponsored Programs 2-Day Training for Department Administrators is designed for […]

Announcing FRED: the Financial Research Expenditure Dashboard

Hosted by Sponsored Programs and CIDA. We are pleased to announce a new tool developed to aid Department Administrators in managing sponsored research funds – the Financial Research Expenditure Dashboard (FRED). FRED will be released on Thursday, October 19th, along with best practice and training guides. Two live virtual information sessions will be held on […]

Department Administrator Forum: Procure to Pay (2023)

Hosted by Sponsored Programs, with guest Procure to Pay. The DA Forum is an opportunity for department administrators and central research support staff to virtually come together and discuss special topics, upcoming events and announcements, and answer questions. This session, we spent time discussing Procure to Pay. This presentation covered the Procure to Pay reorganization, […]

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