Completing the IBC Training Requirements

Training is a critical component of any integrated biological safety program. Training is intended to provide the understanding, technical knowledge, and tools that the trainee can use to improve his or her daily laboratory safety practices.

The PI is responsible for ensuring that his or her employees receive proper training in the biohazards and controls specific to his or her laboratory and the safe conduct of the experimental procedures to be used. The Biosafety Program provides different types of training associated with the BU and BMC biological, chemical, and radiological safety programs. Each of these has its own driver and emphasis.

Mandated general biosafety training is required for all laboratory workers (faculty, staff, students, and visiting scientists) at BU and BMC. The exact training required for a particular person will depend on the hazards to which he or she is exposed. “Laboratory Safety Training” is a training program offered by Environmental Health & Safety that is designed for those working in laboratories.

The BU Laboratory Safety Training is now available in two formats, both accessible from the SciShield platform.

BU Laboratory Safety Training

FormatsMaterial CoveredWho can take this?
ClassroomCovers all topicsAnyone required to complete Lab safety training, BSL1/2 training, Blood Borne Pathogen training or Chemical Safety training
OnlineBroken down into modulesAnyone taking any single module training or all of the above training

Laboratory safety training satisfies the basic competency regulatory requirements for those working in labs. It does not satisfy the need for department-specific training, shipment of infectious agents, select agents, Biosafety Level 3 or 4 work, or other specialized training.

In addition to Annual Laboratory Safety Training, all personnel listed on an IBC protocol must register with the Research Occupation Health Program. (Please contact them directly at or 617-358-7647.)

Accessing and Completing Office of Research Compliance Laboratory Safety Training

Step 1: Access and Registration

Step 2: Available Trainings

Step 3: Course Information

Step 4: Taking the Course

Step 5: Quiz

Step 6: Training Modules Requirement


The IBC may require additional trainings be completed as deemed appropriate.

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