Full Calendar
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This calendar is a round-up of events related to research from around BU. Browse all upcoming events by date, or select an event topic to narrow your search.
Featured Events (December 24 through February 28)
Thursday, January 9
Meet the LUNGevity FoundationAre you looking for funding to study lung cancer? The LUNGevity Foundation supports research with the potential to improve lung cancer outcomes. In this virtual workshop for the BU research community, LUNGevity Executive Director of Research Upal Basu Roy, PhD, MPH, will present on the foundation’s five grant programs: The Brown/LUNGevity Award to Understand Mechanisms…
Wednesday, January 29
Research on Tap: How Social Policies Shape Our Lives from Birth to Old AgeAcross the globe, governments are grappling with how to design policies that meet the needs of diverse and aging populations, address widening inequalities, and promote overall societal well-being. In the United States, debates over health care, economic safety nets, and education underscore the critical importance of evidence-based policy decisions. In this Research on Tap, we…
Wednesday, February 12
Meet the Donaghue FoundationAre you looking for funding to support health services research? The Donaghue Foundation supports research that organizations can use to improve the value of their health care services. Its focus is reducing (a) high and rising healthcare costs, (b) unwarranted variation and lack of transparency in quality, prices, and outcomes, and (c) racial and ethnic…
Thursday, February 27
On the Record: Effective Strategies for Elevating Your Expertise Through Successful Media InterviewsAre you ready to amplify your voice and share your research with the world? Join Mackey Strategies’ Melanie Moran for a dynamic 90-minute workshop where you’ll learn how to confidently navigate media interviews, craft impactful key messages, and engage effectively with journalists to position yourself as a go-to expert in your field. In this interactive…