Request for Proposals—2025 Grants

The Collaboratory seeks to define and demonstrate an open model for large-scale reproducible systems research in achieving a future of secure, reliable, scalable, self-operating, distributed, heterogeneous compute platforms that stretch from edge devices to cloud datacenters.  We seek proposals from qualified researchers in two categories:

  • Small-scale projects: [< $150,000] These projects explore a more focused element of the Collaboratory goals within a researcher’s area of expertise, and include collaboration with at least one Red Hat engineer.
  • Speculative projects:  [< $75,000] These are speculative, fundamental research, or Mass Open Cloud Alliance (MOC Alliance) projects designed to initiate a collaboration.

Projects should generally focus on problems of distributed, operating, security, or network systems whose solution shows promise for advancing their field and impacting industry.

Proposers are especially encouraged to:

  • Consider integration into relevant Red Hat Collaboratory efforts, as appropriate (e.g., cloud support for AI/ML applications, the New England Research Cloud (NERC) /Mass Open Cloud Alliance, edge to cloud, OpenShift AI and applications to education). 
  • Note related existing, submitted, or planned federal proposals, and 
  • Describe relevant broader impacts  of the project ( e.g.  other fields of research, broader participation in STEM, undergraduate impact, sustainability, promoting civil society).

Due to the short timeline, competitive nature, and specific focus of this call, we highly encourage interested proposers to connect with the Collaboratory team, in advance, through the email address with a ONE paragraph summary of the potential proposal.  This will also help us identify if any assistance is needed in connecting with potential Red Hat collaborators. 

Please note that any artifacts developed by the projects must be available under an open source license and all project results should be made publicly available (for example, through academic publication).