Summer Training

Required Summer Training


Cadet Leadership Course


Every Army ROTC Cadet who enters the Advanced Course attends the Cadet Leadership Course. It’s a four-week summer course to evaluate and train all Army ROTC Cadets. This course normally takes place between your junior and senior years of college and is conducted at Fort Knox, Kentucky. It is the culmination of all training Cadets receive prior to senior year.


Cadet Initial Entry Training (CIET)


Cadets take part in the Cadet Initial Entry Training if they enter Army ROTC going into their junior year. This course, made up of four phases, allows Cadets to “catch up” to those who joined in their freshman or sophomore years. The first phase introduces Cadets to the Army and prepares them for the next three phases consisting of team building, leadership development, and Field Training Exercises.

Elective (Competitive) Summer Training



A three-week course held at Ft. Benning, GA, Airborne trains cadets to safely and successfully parachute from the C-130 cargo aircraft.  After successfully completing all training and undergoing four daytime jumps and one nighttime jump, cadets will earn the right to wear airborne wings on their uniforms.

Air Assault

Air Assault School is a 10-day course of instruction that teaches Air Assault techniques. Held at Ft. Campbell, KY, Air Assault qualifies cadets to conduct airmobile and air assault helicopter operations. Prior to AAS, you have to pass the Army physical fitness test (plus pull-ups), perform a 12-mile unit march in under three hours, and navigate the obstacle course successfully to qualify for Air Assault Training. It is considered the most physically challenging 10 days in the Army. Here you learn how to prepare helicopters for carrying Army equipment and personnel, and you have one challenging course of instruction. Cadets will earn the right to wear the coveted air assault wings on their uniforms upon the completion of their training.

Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT)

During the summer of LDAC, cadets have an opportunity to grow their leadership skills by direct interaction with real-world soldiers through the Cadet Troop Leader Training and Drill Cadet Leader Training programs. The two programs have a cadet shadow an active-duty Second Lieutenant or a current Drill Sergeant.