Training & Curriculum

Army ROTC Basic Course

The Basic Course normally takes place during your first two years in college as elective courses. It normally involves one elective class and lab each semester. You will learn basic military skills and the fundamentals of leadership, as well as start the groundwork toward becoming an Army leader. You can take Army ROTC Basic Course without a military commitment.  (You have other options for completing the Basic Course.)

Freshman Year: The Role Of The Army

Roles and Origins of the Army
Army Customs and Traditions
Branches of the Army
Military Operations and Tactics

Sophomore Year: The Role Of An Officer

Role of the Officer and Noncommissioned Officer
Code of Conduct
First Aid
Principles of War
Military Operations and Tactics

Army ROTC Advanced Course

The Advanced Course takes place during your final two years in college as elective courses. It normally includes one elective class and lab each semester, plus a summer leadership course. You will learn advanced military tactics and gain experience in team organization, planning and decision-making. Entering the Advanced Course requires a commitment to serve as an Officer in the U.S. Army after you graduate.

Junior Year: Small Unit Training

Command and Staff Functions
Law of War
Human Behavior
Military Operations and Tactics

Senior Year: Transition To Becoming An Officer

Military Justice
Intelligence and Electronic Warfare
Army Personnel Management
Army Logistics
Post and Installation Support
Military Operations and Tactics

Physical Training

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Arrival: 0550

End: 0700


Each semester you must register for your ROTC classes in addition to your normal classes.

  • A Company – Boston University (UMASS-Boston, Fisher College, Babson College, Bentley University must cross enroll.):
    • Freshman Year: OTP MS101/103 (FALL), OTP MS102/104 (SPRING)
    • Sophomore Year: OTP MS201/203 (FALL), OTP MS202/204 (SPRING)
    • Junior Year: OTP MS301/303 (FALL), OTP MS302/304 (SPRING)
    • Senior Year:  OTP MS401/403 (FALL), OTP MS402/404 (SPRING)
  • B Company – Stonehill College (Bridgewater State University, Curry College must cross enroll) :
    • Freshman Year: MIL101/103 (FALL), MIL102/104 (SPRING)
    • Sophomore Year: MIL201/203 (FALL), MIL202/204 (SPRING)
    • Junior Year: MIL301/303 (FALL), MIL302/304 (SPRING)
    • Senior Year: MIL401/403 (FALL), MIL402/404 (SPRING)
  • C Company – Massachusetts Maritime Academy
    • You will cross enroll with Stonehill College, with assistance from COL Dilliplane.

All Cadets:

  • Military History Course (One course required) – See Memorandum of Instruction from PMS.
    • Other courses can be added at the discretion of the commander.

​Leadership Lab

Once a week, cadets will take part in an educational and practical lab. These topics may include:

  • Lead a platoon size element through tactical  patrolling missions.
  • Disassemble and assemble a rifle and conduct function checks on a malfunctioning weapon
  • Recognize the symptoms of cold and hot weather injuries as well as how to treat them
  • Navigate your way through terrain with only a map, protractor, and compass
  • How to perform life-saving first-aid under combat conditions.
  • MOUT/Urban Warfare Tactics