Readings by Alicia Borinsky

Two upcoming events, one in New York and one in Buenos Aires, feature the multifaceted work of Professor of Spanish and Comparative Literature Alicia Borinsky.

In Buenos Aires, the annual conference “El Amor y la Furia” brings together two writers (Borinsky and Claudia Piñeiro), a psychoanylist (Carlos Brück), videographer Leticia Obeid, and graphic artist Eduardo Stupía in a celebration of the literary journal Mal Estar.



At the Instituto Cervantes, New York, Borinsky and Luisa Valenzuela come together to read work published recently in Enclave: Revista de Creación Literaria en Español, edited by Nora Glickman and Alejandro Varderi.  The event also includes Nora Glickman’s dramatization of Roberto Bolaño’s novel Amuleto.

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