RS Graduate Students Conference


APRIL 13, 2024

Who controls the past controls the future.
Who controls the present controls the past.
1984, George Orwell

Whom do we remember as time passes by? Whom have we forgotten?

Boston University’s Department of Romance Studies invites graduate students to submit proposals that challenge the traditional interpretation of literary works and reflect on resurrecting forgotten works and their relevance in today’s world for our upcoming conference, which explores and celebrates the intersection of literature, history, and cultural milestones within the Romance language-speaking world.

Key Themes:

• Collective Memory, Memory and Loss
• Rewritings, Responses, Palimpsests
• Historical and Literary Revisionism
• Canon(s) and Non-canonical Texts
• Influence, Tradition, and Change
• Forgotten Authors and Works
• Ethnic Minorities and the Subaltern
• Literary Publishing & Translation
• Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching Literature and Culture

Submission Guidelines:

Please submit a 250-word abstract and a brief bio by March 17, 2024, to Submissions in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese within Romance Studies, Latin American Studies, African Studies, and Women and Gender Studies are welcome.