Language placement tests

Link to Placement Test

Placement examinations are required of any student whose most recent language course was not completed at Boston University. 

Placement exams DO NOT fulfill the language requirement. They simply indicate the appropriate level at which a student should continue their study. If you have been placed at the 5th semester level or higher, this does not mean that you are have fulfilled your language requirement. You will need to enroll in one more course at the 5th semester level or higher to satisfy the language requirement.

Transfer students who have taken college level courses in the relevant language before coming to Boston University should speak with an advisor at the CAS Academic Advising office to have transfer work evaluated for BU credit and BU course level equivalency. Duplicating previous college work means forfeiting credit!

Please see below for information on taking the placement exams and on how to interpret your scores. For questions or further information, please call 617-353-2642.

Please note: If a student’s last course was in high school and the student received a score of 560 or higher on the SAT II Subject Test, s/he should consult the overall coordinator for the relevant language for placement in literature and culture courses, rather than taking a placement exam. The SAT II language exams were discontinued in January 2021; however, students may submit scores from tests taken prior to that date. 

The CAS Advising website provides additional information on the CAS language requirement and how it can be met. Other colleges within BU set their own standards; students with a major outside of CAS should consult the advising office of their school for guidance on how to meet their school’s language requirement.


There is no placement exam for Portuguese. Students with prior study of Portuguese should contact the Overall Coordinator of the Portuguese Language Program to determine which course they should take.

French, Spanish, and Italian

French, Spanish, and Italian are now tested by means of an online examination. Please click on this link to set up an account and to access the placement test. You will need your university ID number when taking this test.

Full instructions are provided within the test webpage. You can take this test at any time before the start of classes, from any location. Non-CAS colleges have their own specific requirements.

Please do not use dictionaries or other assistance when taking the test. This may result in incorrect placement and you will have to change classes in the first week of the semester.

Interpreting the Test Results


If your score was… these are the courses that would be appropriate (see course descriptions for further information about these courses).
Below 151 LF 111
151-230 LF 111 or LF 113
231-274 LF 112 or LF 113
275-310 LF 112
311-350 LF 211
351-460 LF 212
461-500 Level 1 Advanced Language Course, LF 307 – LF 313 (any section)
above 500 Level 2 Advanced Language Course (LF 323, LF 324, LF 341, LF 348) or LF 350 or another more advanced literature course with permission from advisor or professor

A student with a placement score at the extremes of an indicated range should consult the French Overall Coordinator to consider other factors before shifting to a higher- or lower-level course.


If your score was… these are the courses that would be appropriate (see course descriptions for further information about these courses).
Below 300 LI 111
301-499 LI 112
500-699 LI 211
700-900 LI 212
above 900 300-level Italian courses

A student with a placement score at the extremes of an indicated range should consult the Italian Overall Coordinator  to consider other factors before shifting to a higher- or lower-level course.


If your score was… these are the courses that would be appropriate (see course descriptions for further information about these).
lower than 260 LS 111
261-340 LS 112
341-435 LS 211
436-510 LS 212
511 and above LS 306, LS 307, LS 308 or LS 310

A student with placement scores at the extremes of an indicated range or in excess of  670 should consult the Spanish Overall Coordinator to ensure correct placement.

Advanced Placement (AP) score

With a score of 4 on the AP Spanish Language exam a student receives credit for LS 212 and is eligible to take two 300-level Spanish Language courses. With a score of 5, he/she receives credit for one 300-level Spanish Language course and is only allowed to take one more of these courses.

A score of 5 on the AP Spanish Language or one 300-level Spanish Language course is also the prerequisite for the next level up, LS 350, which is an introductory course in Spanish literature.

SAT II Foreign Language Tests

The SAT II Foreign Language subject tests were discontinued by the College Board in January 2021. Students may submit scores from tests taken prior to this date in fulfillment of the requirement. Please contact the CAS Advising Office for guidance in submitting scores.

Please note that while a score of 560 or higher on the SAT II test fulfills your language requirement, it does not provide you with credits toward graduation.