Resources for Undergraduate Student in Romance Studies
The Department of Romance Studies encompasses faculty and programs in Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese. Our faculty also teach courses in CIMS (Cinema and Media Studies), Comparative Literature, African Studies, and WGS (Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies), many of which count towards our majors and minors.
Language Major and Minor Worksheets
Use these worksheets to plan your major and/or minor in French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Worksheets are currently being updated. Please check back soon.
CAS Language Requirement
The CAS Second Language Requirement can be fulfilled in a number of different ways, such as:
- Taking Language Courses at BU
- A score of 4 or 5 on an Advanced Placement foreign language exam or a score of 5, 6, or 7, on an Higher Level, International Baccalaureate exam.
- Bilingual Proficiency Evaluation
For more information on fulfilling the CAS Language Requirement, visit the CAS Language Requirement Page. Click the “Pathways to Meeting the CAS Language Requirement” drop-down tab to find a chart.
Placement Tests & Transfer Credits
Placement examinations are required of any student whose most recent language course was not completed at Boston University. Find information on Language Placement Tests, and the link to the tests, here.
For information on transferring credits, visit the CAS External Credit page.
If you are not a student of CAS, contact your college advisor for information on the transfer credit process.
Peer Tutoring
Romance Studies offers free peer tutoring in French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Drop-in hours and contact information for each language is listed below.
- Tutor: Caterina Tomassini
- Email:
- Hours: Tuesdays 4-5pm and Thursdays 5-6pm
- Location: Romance Studies Dept. 718 Comm. Ave. Rm.504
- Tutor is also available for appointments at other times. Students may email Caterina to schedule a meeting outside drop-in hours.
- Tutor: Carolina Viamonte
- Email:
- Hours: Monday and Wednesday 3:20pm to 4:30pm
- Location: Geddes Lounge – CAS (5th floor)
- Appointments and walk-ins welcome
Romance Studies HUB Courses
Major & Minor Request Forms
For students in CAS, please use the following links to request a major and/or minor change. For students in other colleges, please reach out to your college advisor for the correct forms/procedure.
Graduating with Departmental Honors
Global House
The Global House Living-Learning Community welcomes students who are passionate about languages and cultures. Through this co-curricular experience, Global House residents explore together what it means to be globally diverse and build on the University’s effort “to continue to foster the engagement of Boston University in the city and the world.” In the true spirit of a Living-Learning community, learning will extend to all aspects of the Global House experience. Students collaboratively develop cultural programming while developing intercultural literacy and building community. Students engage in weekly meetings with their Language Cluster, participate in the Global House Discussion series, attend cultural and community activities, and more.
Sophomores, juniors and seniors who are proficient in one of the following languages at the second-semester level (112) or above are invited to apply. The Language Clusters currently available are: African Languages, Arabic (Modern Standard), Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
For more information and to apply please reach out to the Director of Global House, Lillie Webb, or visit the Global House website.
Study Abroad
Many courses that you take abroad can count toward your major or minor. See programs in the languages we offer here:
Undergraduate Student Organizations

BU’s French Club – L’Association Francophone de BU is BU’s student-run organization for French learners and native speakers on campus. Their goal is to build a French-speaking community on campus, and they do this through events geared toward bringing together native speakers from all backgrounds/countries with french learners. Click the French Club logo and check them out!

Boston University Italian Student Association is BU’s student-run organization for native speakers and students interested in Italian culture/language. Their goal is to build an Italian community on campus, and they do this through events geared toward bringing together native speakers with Italian-learners together to speak and experience Italian culture. Click the BUISA logo and check them out!
BU Italian Language Learners Club
We are a community of Italian language learners at Boston University. Our group is dedicated to learning and practicing Italian while fostering a community with fellow language learners. We welcome all BU students, regardless of their level of Italian proficiency. Learn more.
Follow on Instagram!

Boston University Brazilian Association is BU’s student-run organization dedicated to the exploration and celebration of the wonderful country, Brazil. Native Portuguese speakers and learners alike are encouraged to participate! Click the BUBA logo and check them out!

Alianza Latina is Boston University’s Latin American Student Union dedicated to creating a home for students who want to embrace all aspects of Latin American culture. Their events cover a wide array of subjects that allow Terriers to learn about Latin American culture, and to participate in community service, professional and social events throughout the year. Click the logo and check them out!