- Additional Titles:Physical Therapist, Boston University Physical Therapy Center
- Education:Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy, Northeastern University, Boston MA, 1986
Doctor of Science in Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences, Boston University Sargent College, Boston, MA, 2008
Manual Therapy Certificate: two-year part-time residency program in Orthopedic Manual Therapy, Institute of Orthopaedic, Woburn, MA, 1996 - Website or Lab: Fellowship in Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy
- Email:lmarinko@bu.edu
- Phone:617-353-7495
Courses Taught
SAR PT521: Musculoskeletal System I
Scholarly and Practice Interests
Manual therapy, orthopedics and sports related injuries; musculoskeletal related disorders including pain related to upper and lower extremity movement dysfunction, knee osteoarthritis, spinal disorders, temporomandibular dysfunction and the utilization of therapeutic exercise to enhance function. Recent scholarly interests include utilization of patient reported outcomes in clinical practice.
Selected Publications
- Homes MB, Scott A, Camarinos J, Marinko LN, George SZ. Working Alliance Inventory (WAI) and its Relationship to Patient-Reported Outcomes in Painful Musculoskeletal Conditions. Accepted (2022): Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation. Manuscript ID TIDS-09-2021-195.R2
- Aoyagi K , Neogi T, Peloquin C, Dubreuil M, Marinko LN, Camarinos C, Felson DT, Kumar D. Association of physical therapy interventions with long-term opioid use after total knee replacement.
- Brown C, Marinko LN, LaValley MP, Kumar D. Quadriceps Strength After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Compared With Uninjured Matched Controls: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Orthop J Sports Med. 2021 Apr 8;9(4):2325967121991534. doi: 10.1177/2325967121991534. PMID: 33889639; PMCID: PMC8040575.
- Sullivan S*, Hutchinson I, Curry E, Marinko LN, Li X. Surgical management of type II superior labrum anterior posterior (SLAP) lesions: a review of outcomes and prognostic indicators. The Physician and Sportsmedicine, DOI:10.1080/00913847.2019.1607601
- Marinko LN. Section 5 Chapter 13 Posture. In: Levangie PK and Norkin C. Joint Structure and Function; A Comprehensive Analysis, ed. 6. FA Davis, Philadelphia, 2019.
- Cusano A, Curry E, Marinko LN, Li X. Extensor Mechanism Reconstruction for Chronic Patella Fracture: A Case Report. Orthopedics, August 18, 2017. DOI: 10.3928/01477447-20170810-07.
Selected Presentations
- Lee Marinko provides an overview of the Physical Therapy & Athletic Training Teaching Lab . Hosted by Boston University College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College, this presentation was a part of an online, virtual conference, “Health Matters.”
- Marinko LN, Harbaugh, GA, Camarinos J. The impact on clinical outcomes and utilization of outpatient physical therapy when eliminating out-of-pocket expense in patients with non-surgical low back pain. 2 nd CoHSTAR Implementation Science Institute: Advancing Rehabilitation, Virtual Conference Day 2 March 21, 2020.
- Kumar D, Peloquin C, Stokes A, Marinko LN, Camarinos J, Felson D, Dubrieual M. Physical therapy is associated with reduced optiod utilization in people with knee OA. Combined Sections Meeting APTA Denver CO, February 2020. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2020;50(1): CSM 1-29 OPL28(platform)
- Camarinos J, Marinko LN, Martin SK, O’Shaughnessy E, Riley E. Can we have it all? A financially sustainable clinical center providing outcomes-based patient care, authentic academic partnership, and a professional leadership. Education Leadership Conference, Tallahassee Florida, October 13, 2018.
- Marinko LN. Hip Pain: Disentangling the hip from the spine. The Pediatric and Young Adult Hip: A comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston Ma, May 10, 2014.
Consulting and Professional Activities
- 2020: Present Board Member, Council Advisory Committee (CAC) for Accreditation Council on Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy Education (ACOMPTE).
- 2013: Present Secretary, Program Director Special Interest Group, American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists (AOMPT)Executive Committee
- 2013: Present Committee Content Expert (CCE), Specialization Academy of Content Experts, American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties, Orthopedic Section
- 2011: Present Abstract Reviewer: American Physical Therapy Association- Orthopedic Section: Combined Sections Meeting
Book Reviewer
- 2013: Diagnosis for Physical Therapists: A symptom-based approach, by Davenport T, Kulig K, Sebeski C, Gordon J, Watts H. FA Davis Philadelphia PA.2013: JOSPT Vol 43(4) p.276.
- 2012: Pathology: Implications for the Physical Therapist3rd Edition, by Catherine Goodman, Kenda Fuller, March 2012
- 2009: Musculoskeletal Assessment2nd Edition by Hazel Clarkson, March 2009
- 2006: Kinesiology by Carol A. Oatis, May 2006
Awards and Honors
- Whitney R. Powers Award for Teaching Excellence (2015-2016)
- Fellow, American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy, 1997 to present
Licensing and Certification
- Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Division of Registration in Allied Health Professions
Physical Therapy License, 1986 – present - Certified Specialist in Orthopedics, American Physical Therapy Association, 1994 to present
- Departments
- Physical Therapy and Physical Therapy
- Positions
- Clinical and Clinician