Want a head start on medical school? Our BS in Human Physiology program has the premedical courses already built in. With its focus on human biology and additional coursework in anatomy and physiology, it’s an excellent alternative to a traditional biology degree for anyone seeking a career in medicine. Graduates who go on to medical school find their extra knowledge of anatomy and physiology gives them a big advantage from the start. The program is also ideal for other health care professions, from dentistry to biotechnology.

Want practical experience? You’ll have a wealth of opportunities. Many Health Sciences faculty members hold joint appointments with the BU School of also Medicine, Colleges of Arts & Sciences, or College of Engineering. So, our students have access not only to our own research and clinical education centers, but also to other research programs in highly specialized areas.

Want to learn by doing and not just watching? You will during your senior year internship or practicum, a semester-long placement at a site of your choice. Our approach is active, involving, and more like a graduate-level clinical program. We also have an array of volunteer opportunities available throughout the Boston area.

Why choose Human Physiology over more traditional majors like biology? With its focus on the study of human function, a major in Human Physiology is an alternative to the traditional biology degree, expanding on the basic premedical requirements with additional classes such as gross human anatomy, exercise physiology, neuroanatomy & neurophysiology, and cardiopulmonary pathophysiology. Rich resources are available to our students for their required senior year clinical internship, and breadth of academic preparation is insured by elective distribution requirements in the humanities and social sciences.

Want depth as well as breadth? Besides getting a broad science and health background, you’ll learn to analyze specific functions of the human body in a variety of research and clinical settings. During your junior and senior years, you’ll take advanced courses—exercise physiology, gross anatomy, and neuroscience, to name a few. Concentrate in specific areas with popular electives like muscle biology and neural systems. And round out your education with other electives from the social sciences, humanities, and any other BU departments you like.

Combined BS/MS in Human Physiology Program

After completing two years of undergraduate study, students can apply for our accelerated Bachelor of Science/Master of Human Physiology (4+1) program. By earning both degrees in five years of full-time study, you can get an early start on a career in research and a great foundation for doctoral-level studies.

The MS in Human Physiology allows you to design a curriculum based on your own academic background, professional experience, and career objectives.  Working with a faculty advisor, you’ll select the course of study that’s right for you – with virtually unlimited options for research and specialized study.

Note that the Bachelor of Science Program in Human Physiology is currently designated by US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as a STEM-eligible degree program. International students in F-1 student status may be able to apply for a 24-month extension of their 12-month Optional Practical Training (OPT) employment authorization.  More information about STEM OPT eligibility is available from the BU International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO).