Prerequisites for DPD/MS+DI Program

Required Prerequisites

This program is designed for students with an undergraduate degree in any area of study who aspire to become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.  In preparation, prior to entering the DPD/MS +DI program, students must have completed foundation coursework in science, math, and writing.  The following courses are required:

  • General chemistry (with a lab)
  • Organic chemistry (with a lab)
  • Biology full series (with a lab); if course does not cover content in genetics, an additional course in genetics can meet the requirements
  • Anatomy and physiology (with a lab)
  • Microbiology (with a lab)
  • Writing
  • Biochemistry
  • Statistics

    Students are encouraged to apply even if they have not completed all prerequisite coursework. If they are accepted into the program, a faculty advisor will evaluate their prerequisite preparation and help them with selection of appropriate prerequisite courses.

    To help guide whether your courses will meet prerequisite requirements, the following courses at BU would be considered equivalent. Prerequisite courses do not need to be taken at Boston University.

    Prerequisite Course Equivalent at BU Link to course description
    Biology series with lab CAS BI 107 and CAS BI 108

    Chemistry with lab CAS CH 101 or CAS CH 171

    Human Nutrition Science SAR HS 551
    Organic Chemistry with lab CAS CH 174
    Microbiology with lab CAS BI 114 or CAS BI 311

    Anatomy and Physiology with lab CAS BI 21O and CAS BI 211

    Biochemistry CAS CH 373
    Statistics series CAS MA 115 and CAS MA 116

    Writing CAS WR 120

    Important notes:

    • For courses that span more than one semester, the full course sequence must be completed. In other words, if biology is offered as a two-semester sequence (biology 1 and biology 2), both semesters are required.
    • Courses must be taken at an accredited college or university and within 5 years of degree conferral. All courses, including online courses, taken at another university are subject to approval by BU’s Programs in Nutrition in consultation with the relevant BU college or department (i.e.: College of Arts and Sciences Chemistry Department).
    • A minimum grade of C is required for approval.
    • With the exception of biology and statistics, minor deficiencies in prerequisite coursework may be completed during graduate studies, but this may extend the program.
    • Students who have previously completed courses in introductory psychology, human nutrition science (including nutrient metabolism), or exercise physiology may be able to customize their program with additional graduate elective courses. 

    Spring semester 2020: Given the COVID-19 pandemic, we recognize that many colleges/universities moved to a pass/fail or credit/no credit system of grading for spring semester 2020.  Please know that we will accept prerequisite coursework taken and completed during spring 2020 in which a student received a “pass” or “credit” grade designation. We will not accept coursework for spring 2020 coursework graded “fail” or “no credit.”