BIPOC Student Experiences
The American Occupational Therapy Association’s (AOTA’s) Vision 2025, Strategic Plan for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), and Boston University’s (BU’s) strategic priority #3, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion support expanding representation across all intersections of diversity within the occupational therapy profession.
The Clinical Lab of Occupational Therapy and Health Equity at Sargent (CLOTHES) is gathering the lived experiences of BIPOC alumni and students from Boston University’s entry-level occupational therapy doctoral program. The aim is to highlight the joys and challenges of being a graduate student at a predominantly white institution and identify resources and strategies for professional and personal success. These videos share students’ first-hand experience and advice on a variety of topics including housing options, places near campus to buy culturally diverse foods, favorite places to have meaningful conversations, perspectives on the next steps towards diversity, equity, and inclusion, and more.