Spice of the Month: Oregano

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College

oregano-lrgOREGANO –  First known as the “pizza herb”, oregano became popular after World War II when soldiers stationed near Italy brought this sometimes sweet sometimes spicy herb back home with them. Oregano is found most commonly in Italian-American cuisine. Making pasta for your roommates? A simple dash of oregano will give your tomato sauce a deeper flavor. Although it is great in tomato sauces and on pizza, oregano can also be used with fish, meats, and vegetables. For strongest flavor, use dried oregano rather than fresh.


Herb Snapshot
Taste: Mild – Spicy (depends on the variety)
Tip: Add early in cooking
Price: Fresh Oregano = $1.99/ .67 oz; Dried Oregano = $2.49/container
Shelf Life: Fresh Oregano = 3 days; Dried Oregano = 6 months
Storage: Fresh oregano, store in a plastic bag in the fridge. Dried oregano store if cool,
dark place.
Amount: 1 tablespoon fresh = 1 teaspoon dried
Pairings: Bell Peppers, Fish, Meats, Pasta, Pizza, Tomato Sauces
AVOID: Cilantro, Desserts
CUISINES: Mediterranean, Greek, Mexican

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