
General Nutrition Information
The Sargent Choice Nutrition Center (SCNC) website includes nutrition information for adults age 18 or older in accordance with the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. We do not give personal medical advice. You should continue to seek medical advice from your personal physician.  If our information seems to conflict with medical advice you have received from your doctor regarding your personal circumstances (medical condition, pregnancy, medications, etc), discuss your concerns with your doctor.

Links to Other Websites
The SCNC website includes links to other websites only as information to consumers, not as medical advice. When you access an external website, keep in mind that the SCNC has no control over its content. The SCNC is not responsible for the content found at any of the sites, nor do any links imply endorsement or promotion of the company/organization, its content, services, therapeutic treatment options, or products. Accordingly, you visit any site at your own risk. The SCNC is also not responsible for the policies and practices of these sites, such as their Privacy Policy, use of “cookies”, etc. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of each site that you visit through a link on our website

The SCNC disclaims all liability in connection with browsing this website, use of information or downloading any materials from it, including but not limited to any liability for alleged errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or misleading or defamatory statements. The information at this website may include opinions or views which, unless expressly stated otherwise, are not necessarily those of the SCNC. All content and information at this Website might be changed or updated without notice. The SCNC might also make changes or improvements at any time without notice. This website is provided “as is” and the SCNC expressly disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, to the extent permitted by law, including but not limited to warranties of satisfactory quality, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to any service, information or materials. The SCNC hereby disclaims liability for any claims, losses, demands, or damages of any kind whatsoever with regard to any information, content, or services provided at this website, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential loss or damages, compensatory damages, loss of profits or data or otherwise.