by Rebecca Arnheim and Bailey Benson
We would like to extend our gratitude to all the people who have been involved in the original planning of the in-person symposium, and then to those who lent their time and support to bringing this special issue of SEQUITUR to light. Thank you to the Boston University Center for the Humanities; the Boston University Department of History of Art & Architecture; and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, for your generous support. Thank you to Dalia Habib Linssen and Sophia Walter for their logistical support in arranging the venue and catering for the event. Thank you to Alina Imas for her beautiful poster design.
A special thanks must be extended to Professors Cynthia Becker, Alice Tseng, Greg Williams, and Michael Zell, without whose unwavering support and guidance this publication would not have been possible. Thank you also to the editors of SEQUITUR for agreeing to host this special issue and for their help in the copy-editing process. And, thank you to the issue’s anonymous peer reviewers.
Thank you to all the presenters originally scheduled to deliver papers at the symposium, and thank you to those who agreed to participate in this publication. It has been a joy working with all of you. We would also like to thank Professor Christopher P. Heuer for agreeing to present the keynote address at the 36th Annual Graduate Symposium, although he was unable to participate in the publication. And, thank you to the moderators, Willie Granston and Phillippa Pitts, for the time and effort they put into both the symposium and then the publication.
Last, but most certainly not least, we would like to thank the graduate students from the History of Art & Architecture Department at Boston University who volunteered their time to work on the CFP committee and the abstract committee, as well as those who were planning to assist on the day of the event. Without the collaboration of our fellow graduate students, this symposium would not be possible.