
Authors are responsible for obtaining reproduction permissions for all images used in their article. Generally, a personal photograph of a work art is still copyrighted by the original artist. Photographers should contact the copyright owner for permission to use the image and give credit to the owner when publishing the photograph.

Captions should include all elements specified in the letter(s) of permission from the rights holder, institution, and/or photographer. SEQUITUR reserves the right to edit these to conform to its style. Captions must distinguish clearly between a copyright in an artwork and a copyright in a photograph of an artwork (where the artwork may or may not be in the public domain). Please see the style and submission guidelines for more information on how to format figure captions.

obtaining image rights

The editors will provide authors with a template image use request letter to send to copyright holders. SEQUITUR requires that authors submit copies of the permission granting paperwork, correspondence, or proof of free use from the collection website or via email for each image submitted with their text. If copyright permissions can not be granted, authors must select at least one image in the public domain or under creative commons licenses (see below).


It is the author’s responsibility to pay any costs incurred for the article, including photography and permissions expenses.

image and diagram requirements

The minimum resolution for images and diagrams submitted as figures is 300 DPI. All figures should be submitted electronically as separate image files along with a Microsoft Word document of the text and captions. The images should be labelled in accordance with the figure numbers in the captions.

Every author must submit an image which will serve as the header for the article. This image must also have a minimum resolution of 300 DPI. The orientation should preferably be landscape, and it should be at least 3 inches wide and 1.25 inches tall. This featured image should be representative of the article as a whole, and it is not necessarily one of the figures referenced in the text.

open-access images

Digital images are available from various sources and can often be expensive. We encourage authors to take advantage of open-access image banks which allow unrestricted, cost-free use in scholarly publications.

Museums often provide access to high-quality photography of their own collections under an open-access policy. Always consult the individual museum websites first, and expect to fill out request forms or become a free member of their open-access program.

Examples of such institutions include:
The British Museum
The J. Paul Getty Museum
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Online Catalog
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
National Gallery of Art, NGA Images
New York Public Library Digital Gallery
Victoria & Albert Museum
Yale University Collections

Other sources for freely accessible digital images of good quality include:

Wikimedia Commons, which also includes contributions from institutions such as the Walters Art Museum, the Archives of American Art, and the German National Archive.
Flickr Commons, which houses images from the Library of Congress collection, the Smithsonian Institution, and several government and university archives.
ARTstor, Images for Academic Publishing. Participating museums are listed on this page, and include the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Indianapolis Museum of Art, and the Dallas Museum of Art.
Prometheus, the Distributed Digital Image Archive for Research and Studies, supported by several German universities.
Arachne, the image database of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) and the Archaeological Institute of the University of Cologne.