External Beam RadiationHigh-energy particles that cause ionization and tissue damag... Full Definition Therapy (EBRT) directs a beam of radiation at a tumorA lump or swelling caused by abnormal growth of cells. Not a... Full Definition from outside the body. The term EBRT refers to a few different kinds of external radiation, such as Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) and Proton Beam Therapy (PBT).

Who is this treatment best for?

External beam radiation can be directed at cancer in the prostate or at cancer that has traveled to other parts of the body.  Your doctor will help you determine the type of external beam radiation that is best for you.

What to Expect

This therapy may be used to treat the prostate and surrounding tissue and also to treat cancer that has spread to bones or other parts of the body.

Who orders or performs the treatment?

What are common side effects?

Men may experience frequent, difficult, or painful urination, blood in the urine, urinary leakage, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, painful bowel movements, or rectal bleeding or leakage. Fatigue is also a common side effect.