You Have the Right…

To a prompt and adequate response to reasonable requests and needs for treatment or service within Boston University Student Health Services’ capacity.

To considerate and respectful care. To treatment that is free of discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or other unlawful basis.

To appropriate assessment and management of pain.

To accept or refuse to be examined, observed, or treated by students or any other SHS staff without jeopardizing access to psychiatric, psychological, or other medical care or attention.

To informed consent to the extent provided by law. Upon request, to obtain from SHS the name and specialty, if any, of the physician or other person responsible for your care or the coordination of such care. You have the right to expect that those providing care to you will introduce themselves when you meet them.

Upon request, to obtain an explanation as to the relationship, if any, of SHS, or any physician practicing at SHS, to any other healthcare facility or educational institution, insofar as said relationship relates to the patient’s care or treatment.

To privacy during medical treatment or other rendering of care within the capacity of the BU Student Health Services.

To privacy and confidentiality of your health information, as prescribed by applicable laws.

To communicate a complaint about care received at SHS in writing or in a scheduled meeting with an SHS staff member.

Upon request, to inspect your medical record and to receive a copy thereof, as prescribed by law.

Upon request, to receive a copy of any itemized bill.

You Are Responsible…

For keeping appointments or calling SHS with reasonable notice (>24 hours, except in urgent situations) when you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment. SHS reserves the right to limit non-emergent care in the case of repeated no-shows or late cancelled appointments.

For providing, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, supplements, allergies, advance directives, and other matters relevant to health or care.

For informing your provider promptly if you do not understand any matter relating to your care and treatment or instructions with which you cannot comply.

For being considerate of other patients and staff at SHS. This includes protecting others who might be vulnerable to illness by containing contagious illnesses and contacting SHS staff for information and instructions. This also includes following directives with respect to immunization requirements except where this poses a threat to your personal health or in cases of direct violation of religious precepts.

For following the treatment plan prescribed by your provider and to participate in your care.

For accepting financial responsibility for any charges not covered by your insurance.

For your actions and their consequences if you refuse treatment or do not follow your healthcare provider’s instructions.