Take a free, anonymous, online mental health screening at any time. 

Take the screening

Free Mental Health Screening for BU Students, Staff & Faculty
Thursday, October 5, 2023

Free, in-person mental health screening on the Charles River and Medical campuses as part of National Depression Screening Day. Hosted by the BU Chief Health Office, Student Health Services and Employee Wellness. Open to all BU students, staff, and faculty. 

This screening for depression and anxiety takes about two minutes to complete. After you complete it and get your results, you may choose to speak with someone who can empathetically listen and direct you to relevant resources at BU and beyond. No insurance is required to participate in the screening, and it is completely free of charge. No appointment is needed for a screening. Your information will not be shared with professors, coaches, employers, parents, or anyone else. The only time information would be shared is in a life-threatening emergency. 

You can also build a free self-care kit, with information and items to help relieve stress.


  • GSU Plaza, 11 AM – 2:30 PM
  • Med Campus, Talbot Green, 11 AM – 2 PM

*Rain locations: GSU Basement & Med Campus INS 403 (L Building)