Kelen Tuttle

Kelen comes from a home infused with the scent of sweet basil, the taste of chile rellenos, and visions of thick, coarse blocks of dark chocolate layered from tabletop to ceiling.  The descendant of a long line of chefs and bakers, she is a curiosity in her family because she burns the rice and undercooks the chicken.  Yet perhaps as a result of a childhood steeped in culinary experimentation, she looks at the world in unusual ways, dissecting its ingredients.

Kelen once thought she wanted to be an astrophysicist, but after sitting in front of a computer monitor for three months straight, analyzing data from a telescope 800 miles away, she decided that research wasn’t for her.  She now happily jumps from one project to the next, immersing herself in each for weeks at a time.

She has written for magazines ranging from The Corrections Connection, an online news source for people working in the corrections industry, to Symmetry, a glossy print magazine about advances in particle physics.  Currently, Kelen edits two publications for the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. She hopes to one day make enough money writing about science to eat out every night.

Kelen can be contacted at

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Computer voting technology is not the fix-all we believe it to be.