Fall 2017 Collection
College of Fine Art
School of Visual Arts
To view full-size images of the work double-click tile
by Rachel Barron
by Rachel Deluca
by Arden Cone
by Natalie Schmitting
by Victoria Nunley
by Victoria Nunley
by Rachel Barron
by Ika Chang
by Rachel Deluca
by Ika Chang
by Julianna Gamble
by Julianna Gamble
by Rachel Barron
by Julianna Gamble
by Marissa Graziano
by Will Karlen
by Ardis Tennyson Loiselle
by Arden Cone
by Kelsey Lahey
by Ardis Tennyson Loiselle
by Julianna Gamble
Photos by Jackie Ricciardi for Boston University