Smart Money offers live webinars throughout the fall and spring terms on a range of money management topics of interest to BU students.
Subject matter experts from the University, alum, and broader community often serve as presenters. Typically, your questions are welcome, and sessions are interactive, although participation is not mandatory.
Webinar Topics
Student Loan Repayment (Ready or Not)

Are you getting ready to start repaying your student loans? Knowledge is power and you need to know as much about your loans as possible. There’s been a lot of talk about it lately. Let us walk you through your repayment options.
Credit Scores & Credit Card Forensics

Learn how to establish credit in your name, how to get a free copy of your credit report and interpret it. See how your credit score is affected by your spending and bill paying habits, and how your financial wellbeing is affected by your credit score.
Living Smart on a Student Budget

If you’ve never built a budget to manage your finances, you may not know what guilt-free spending feels like. Let us show you how to track your income and spending so you can start enjoying how it feels to know you’re not going to run out of money before the end of the month.
No webinars are currently scheduled. Contact us to host a webinar.