Ashley Mears

Ashley Mears Wins Publication Award

Professor Ashley Mears has won a paper award, the Section on the Body and Embodiment Best Publication Award for: “Girls as Elite Distinction:  The Appropriation of Bodily Capital.”  Special Issue on New Forms of Distinction, published in Poetics, 2015.  Congratulations, Ashley!


Professor Stone and Graduate Alumni Polly Rizova and Xiaoshuo Hou Publish Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism

The Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism is a five volume, 1.5 million word reference work to be published in December 2015 by Wiley-Blackwell. Consisting of hundreds of entries written by leading experts on the topics from all over the world, it also has many contributions from scholars drawn from both the faculty and advanced […]

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Professor Ashley Mears Gives Keynote Speech at the 16th Annual Chicago Ethnography Conference

Professor Ashley Mears gave the Keynote speech, titled “Girl Capital in the Consolidation of Class among Elites: A Relational Approach to Ownership,”  at the 16th Annual Chicago Ethnography Conference. Hosted by the Department of Sociology at Northwestern University on March 15th, 2014, this conference “is an annual graduate student conference hosted by one of several Chicago-area sociology […]

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Professor Ashley Mears Comments on Fashion Week

National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered” took note of this year’s New York Fashion Week with a story noting the dominance of white models on the runways.  In the February 15 story, they included note of Ashley Mears’s book Pricing Beauty and incorporated a comment from Professor Mears.  Listen to the full story on their […]

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Responding to the release of Prof. Ashley Mears’ new book, “Pricing Beauty: The Making of a Fashion Model”, ( places her work in the long line of important sociological work based on researchers “embedding” themselves in an industry. Her participant observation and interviewing in the modeling industry provides dozens of important insights.

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