Cradles to Crayons: Analyzing our Data and Tools for Deeper Impact

This project includes analyzing Cradles and Crayons data and tools to help them improve their organization and provide a more meaningful impact on the children they serve. 

Project Lead:

Cradles to Crayons, provides children from birth to age 12, living in low- income and homeless situations, with the essential items they need to thrive – at home, at school and at play. We supply these items free of charge by engaging and connecting communities that have with communities that need.

Detailed Project Description:

Review online partner portal and impact survey to analyze and suggest new ways to use current data and tools to assess the outcomes and impact of our service, including but not limited to: (1) tracking the number of children served as well as the number of times each child is served (grouping families, C2C programs, etc.); (2) collecting information on income (amount, # parents working, etc.), family situation (# kids & parents), housing (homeless or not); (3) understanding/correlating the primary and secondary impacts of our service, such as toxic stress, family finances, education, health and development opportunities and outcomes. Identify gaps in data, when relevant, and make recommendations on how to streamline reports to improve the organization’s ability to assess impacts, foresee demand, and build a stronger evidence base to support fundraising activities.

Technical Components:

I need assistance with data analytics, data mining and web design.

Non-profit needs review of online partner portal and impact survey to analyze current data and reporting tools to determine how to improve existing system and identify data gaps to allow organization to better track and report the impact of service delivery 

Skill/Expertise Requirement(s):

1) Experience with Excel, SalesForce, and Survey Monkey

Data Set(s):

Online portal, which I believe is linked to SalesForce and can be downloaded as csv file, as well as the online survey, a Survey Monkey tool.