Tag: data mining

Mapping Amman’s Social Media Landscape

This project includes mapping Amman’s social media landscape and exploring how Amman’s citizens imagine their place in the country’s neoliberal investment project.  Project Lead: Betty S. Anderson, Associate Professor History Department, College of Arts & Sciences Director of the Institute for the Study of Muslim Societies and Civilizations (2015-17) Detailed Project Description: I am currently undertaking […]

ForkOut: Restaurant Metadata Extraction from Unstructured Menu

This project includes using helping ForkOut match restaurants to users based on their tastes using restaurant metadata. Project Lead: ForkOut is a mobile application that makes restaurant reccomendations based on users taste preferences. Detailed Project Description: ForkOut recommends restaurants to users of the app. Metadata about a restaurant is required to match a user’s taste […]

ACLU of Massachusetts: Analyze and Map Boston Policing and Census Data

This project includes helping the ACLU better understand how policing in Boston works, and thereby help us make policing more just, equitable, and fair for all Bostonians. Project Lead: ACLU of Massachusetts, a private, nonpartisan organization with more than 20,000 supporters across the Commonwealth—is a state affiliate of the national ACLU. They defend the principles enshrined […]

Cradles to Crayons: Analyzing our Data and Tools for Deeper Impact

This project includes analyzing Cradles and Crayons data and tools to help them improve their organization and provide a more meaningful impact on the children they serve.  Project Lead: Cradles to Crayons, provides children from birth to age 12, living in low- income and homeless situations, with the essential items they need to thrive – at […]