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There are 2 comments on Texting Can Enhance Medical Education

  1. Looks very interesting.

    Would this also perhaps have applicability in developed countries? While, “Clinicians in high-income countries are required to participate in accredited continued medical education (CME) activities, generally delivered through self-educational, Internet-based modules,” could they also benefit from short, quick reminders?

    This would seem to suggest that applicability to developed countries as well: “The researchers also emphasized that the mobile-based interventions are not a substitute for primary medical education, but rather a tool to retain previously acquired knowledge and search for new information.”

  2. Hi Perry
    The answer I think is probably yes. Currently, there are many on-line access points providing CME in the US and other high income settings. For example, when I had to renew my ID board certifications, I completed a long list of CME modules that were offered by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM). These consisted generally of some clinical vignette followed by a set of multiple choice questions and linked readings. In fact, my having gone through this process with the ABIM was what inspired the mCME project in the first place, with the spin that in the settings that I work globally, access to lap tops is more limited, but cell phones are ubiquitous. Approaching this as a clinician who needs help motivating me to do CME (I imagine that I’m typical in that regard), I found the ABIM’s system to work really well. But your question is a good one: would I be more likely to do CME systematically and regularly if I received frequent or daily prompts via text messaging, as we did in mCME? Possibly so. Would that be more effective in aggregate than doing maintenance of certification prep in large concentrated periods of time (i.e, prior to when board recertification is looming upon me)? Possibly so. Likely we’d need to do a study comparing test outcomes based on the two approaches. It seems like a good question to me though.

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