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There are 10 comments on Two Million Americans Lost Health Coverage/Access in Trump’s First Year

  1. Rural hospital bankruptcy is the other manifestation of the same process. The lies during the State of the Union make this a frustrating topic!

  2. I agree with Dr. Insaf (I am assuming he is a doctor). A drop from 2013 to 2014 would be expected when people are forced to buy health insurance or pay a penalty.

    Studying the chart from 2014 2nd quarter through 4th quarter 2017 is a better representation of what was going on at that time under the individual mandate which was not ended until 2019 by dropping the IRS penalty to $0. The real argument here should turn to how do we fix it without forcing low-income households to pay for the over priced health care our system generates and not bankrupting the country. Perhaps if congress had not wasted the last 3 years trying to unseat the President we would have the answer.

  3. Patients have chosen no insurance due to the extraordinary deductibles and the monthly premiums that are too costly for their incomes; many patients who have insurance choose not to use it for prescriptions and testing since good rx and similar plans are an affordable alternative

  4. Millions more people are out of the shadows and now in the work force. These folks are now being counted. Of course the numbers will skew because of this and the fact that the ridiculous mandate is gone. Let’s find a way to get all insured while lowering cost, premiums, copays, coinsurance and deductibles.

    1. This is a poorly thought out study.
      The particular data used in your study demonstrate a bias towards results that
      fit a political preconceived notion. If this was submitted to a journal I edited, it would be rejected.
      You can do better than that.

  5. Right after ACA was implemented, many hospitals and provider dropped out of ACA insurances.
    Which doctors take Obama Care?
    Solution is not universal coverage of poor quality, but to offer better coverage. Affordable was unaffordable,
    we all know that, especially those who had 27 years old adults who could not afford the co-payments or high cost of insurance. It was flawed policy that was lumped on the rest of us to support.
    By the way, We still cannot get rid ACA.
    Insurance costs are getting higher, and quality getting poorer!!

  6. I think everyone can agree on universal base coverage for low-cost items with high health yield. No one should die because they can’t afford their amoxicillin, propranolol, or a Coumadin level.
    In a preposterous and true story a twenty-year-old kid I know was in a MVA (not his fault). He had no insurance yet received half-a-million in ER, ICU, and acute rehab care after a car accident to put him back together. But he couldn’t afford his $20 antibiotic once he left the hospital and ended up going back and forth to the ER generating more staggering bills.
    We all have seen this.
    However, we must accept, you will never be able to provide state-of-the-art, comprehensive coverage with no cap allowing pre-existing conditions under any type of an insurance model. Insurance is based on analysis of risk. You cannot assess financial risk for a population when a person can deny insurance, wait till they need a $5 million dollar bone marrow transplant, then apply. And if those costs skyrocket to $20 million…you still have to pay. This is an acctuarialist’s Seven Bridges of Königsberg.

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