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There is 1 comment on Fatal Police Violence Is Structural, Not Just ‘Bad Apples’

  1. Excellent topic and once again I commend my alma mata for devoting lots of attention on this issue of the confounding effect of race on public health. I am happy but not surprised given the fact that Dr King is also a product of BU. Studies after studies including meta data clearly confirms that we have the worst form of metastatic tumor of racism in this country. However I must also state that most people in this country are not racist but we find ourselves in a society guided by the algorithm of racial biases and of course racism and so we should not always blame this issue on corrupt cops. The cops has become the political foot ball of this urgly pin pong game of chase.
    Public policies are formulated by our politicians and the politicians decides the boundaries laws and order which we hire these cops to maintain. Not until we the citizens of this great nation decide to reprogram the structural epidemic of the old order of racism and economic strangulation of any race by another which is the primary noxious stimuli and not the cops. The cops has become the default mechanism of the usual blame game rather than pointing fingers to the primary causes of the ills we find our selfs in America today. We all know that the behavior of most human is a function of their environments. When the school one attends in US is a function of the zip code of where they live. It is therefore fair to say that we have one nation but different systems. Houston, we have a problem and the problem is neither the cops nor skin pigments.
    Fellow citizens, let us change the common denominator and the cops will fall in line.

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