Change and neutrality are mutually exclusive. The social, economic, and environmental conditions that shape health are themselves shaped by often hotly contested political debates, making our commitment to supporting local, regional, and global advocacy efforts all the more important. We seek to stand with, support, and amplify the voices of those who are fighting for change. These organizations and individuals are experts in community organizing, communications strategies, building coalitions, and so much more in order to challenge injustice and create the conditions for all to be healthy and well. 



The opportunity to join local, national, and global initiatives is the opportunity to learn from, contribute to, and amplify real-world change. Over the spring 2021 semester, a burgeoning student-led advocacy committee formed with the intent of directing student energy and resources to impact social change across the globe. Conversations have included petition drives to policy initiatives, marches, and demonstrations. This group will continue to evolve over the summer with the hope of launching into action in fall 2021.  

The Activist Lab is also developing an Activist in Residency program through which advocates from all areas and experience will be hosted at SPH. It is our objective to help sustain the activists, artists, and public intellectuals involved in the work of social change-making. These residencies will be mutually beneficial. The Resident will have the opportunity to access the world-class minds and research at SPH while simultaneously providing a rich educational experience for our community to learn about how the Resident is putting their energy, wisdom, heart, and soul into changing the world.

Our vision is ambitious. Radical change always is. While we chart our path forward, we appreciate your patience as well as your partnership. 


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