Old Town Road—The Climate Change Remix.
While the scientific community is in unprecedented consensus about the dangers of the climate crisis and the urgent need for solutions, the consensus of the general public remains significantly weaker. As scientists, this is partly our fault, because we don’t always communicate well with those outside our fields.
At the Boston University School of Public Health Department of Environmental Health, we’re developing scientific communication tools to help people from all walks of life understand the urgency of the climate crisis and the importance of developing (and fighting for) solutions. We know that scientific communication is about meeting people where they are.
This summer, everyone’s been with Lil Nas X on “Old Town Road.” Share this song with all your friends and follow along @busphEH #ClimateKids for our next Mic Drop.
And remember…
Everyone can do somethin’
Just try to emit nothin’
Lindsey Butler is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Environmental Health.
For more information about the background image #ShowYourStripes: showyourstripes.info
Joe Renner’s latest album.
Find the remix on Soundcloud.
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