Allegra Gordon

Allegra R Gordon, ScD, MPH

Assistant Professor, Community Health Sciences - Boston University School of Public Health


Allegra Gordon is a social epidemiologist who uses quantitative and qualitative research methods to understand the mental and physical health impacts of discrimination as well as the effects of gender norms and stereotypes on the health of young people across sexual orientations and gender identities. She earned her doctorate in Social & Behavioral Sciences with a concentration in Women, Gender, and Health at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She holds an MPH in Sociomedical Sciences with a concentration in Sexuality and Health from Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and a BA in Education and Environmental Studies from Swarthmore College. Current projects examine: the relationship between gender expression and health behaviors among U.S. adolescents; the effects of online environments (particularly social media environments) on substance use and disordered eating behaviors among transgender and gender-diverse young adults; barriers to and facilitators of access to HIV prevention services and sexual health and wellbeing among transgender and gender-diverse young adults; and the harmful effects of weight stigma on the health of sexual and gender minority populations.

Classes Taught

  • SPHSB818


  • Published on 8/5/2024

    Calzo JP, Andrzejewski J, Torres C, Silverstein S, Lopez E, Gordon AR. "There is a paywall to my happiness": the influence of socioeconomic determinants on transgender and gender diverse young adults' experiences with eating disorders. Eat Disord. 2024 Aug 05; 1-20. PMID: 39102353.

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  • Published on 8/2/2024

    Gordon AR, Haiken S, Murchison GR, Agénor M, Hughto JMW, Nelson KM. Long-Acting Injectable Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Perceptions and Preferences Among Transgender and Nonbinary Young Adults in the United States. Qual Health Res. 2024 Aug 02; 10497323241265943. PMID: 39095331.

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  • Published on 4/4/2024

    Katz-Wise SL, Ranker LR, Korkodilos R, Conti J, Nelson KM, Xuan Z, Gordon AR. Will all youth answer sexual orientation and gender-related survey questions? An analysis of missingness in a large U.S. survey of adolescents and young adults. Psychol Methods. 2024 Apr 04. PMID: 38573664.

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  • Published on 12/14/2023

    Gordon AR, Roberts S, Silverstein S, Rose KL, Lopez E, Calzo JP. What is needed for eating disorder prevention for transgender and gender diverse young adults? Findings from asynchronous online focus groups. Body Image. 2024 Mar; 48:101667. PMID: 38101273.

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  • Published on 11/7/2023

    Gordon AR, Beccia AL, Egan N, Lipson SK. Intersecting gender identity and racial/ethnic inequities in eating disorder risk factors, symptoms, and diagnosis among U.S. college students: An intersectional multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy. Int J Eat Disord. 2024 Jan; 57(1):146-161. PMID: 37933620.

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  • Published on 9/25/2023

    Sonneville KR, Thurston IB, Gordon AR, Richmond TK, Weeks HM, Lipson SK. Weight Stigma Associated With Mental Health Concerns Among College Students. Am J Prev Med. 2024 Feb; 66(2):260-268. PMID: 37758003.

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  • Published on 7/28/2023

    Agénor M, Lett E, Murchison GR, Tabaac AR, Dowshen N, Gordon AR. Gender-Related Health Care Discrimination and Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Among Transgender and Nonbinary Young Adults in the United States. Transgend Health. 2023 Aug; 8(4):389-395. PMID: 37525839.

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  • Published on 7/14/2023

    Edouard VB, Foley M, Gordon A, Garfield S, Dincer L, Nelson KM. Online environments and women's health: an industry-academic public health research partnership to improve health inequities. Front Public Health. 2023; 11:1176198. PMID: 37521982.

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  • Published on 7/6/2023

    Eisenstadt BE, Murchison GR, Soulliard ZA, Gordon AR. Body Image and High-Risk Weight and Shape Control Behaviors Among Transgender and Nonbinary Young Adults: The Role of Sexual Assault. LGBT Health. 2023; 10(8):586-594. PMID: 37410994.

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  • Published on 6/21/2023

    Gordon AR, Egan KA, Wang ML, Ziyadeh NJ, Kenney EL, Rosario M, Austin SB. Weight-based discrimination and disordered eating behaviors in a cohort of U.S. sexual minority young adults. Int J Eat Disord. 2023 Oct; 56(10):1983-1990. PMID: 37345224.

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