Interdisciplinary Training Program for Biostatisticians.

This NIH-funded program provides training in interdisciplinary research, reproducibility methods, and the responsible conduct of research while supporting students in their professional and career development.

About Us

The Interdisciplinary Training program for Biostatisticians is built upon the requirements of the PhD doctoral program in Biostatistics at Boston University. In addition to the standard requirements of the Biostatistics PhD program, the program requires trainees to take a course in biological sciences, complete three research rotations to gain experience in different areas of application of biostatistics, complete training in reproducible research, and complete comprehensive responsible conduct of research training, including an internship at the Institutional Review Board at Boston University Medical Campus. Trainees also benefit from monthly group meetings with the Co-Directors to discuss their progress, receive career development training, and learn from alumni.  Trainees are usually appointed to the program for the first two years of their PhD training. Once completed, the trainees are matched with and supported by a graduate research assistantship.

Main Training Requirements

Meet Our Team


Kathryn Lunetta (

Laura F White (


Individuals must be accepted to the PhD program in Biostatistics, and be a US citizen or permanent resident in order to be eligible for the training grant.

To be considered for the training grant, individuals must apply for the PhD program in Biostatistics. Students can find more information about applying to the PhD program here.


Join us for a virtual information session.

Contact Us

For more information about the program, please email