A New Center for Health Data Science, and Leadership in BEDAC

Dear Colleagues, It is my pleasure to announce the launch of a new Center for Health Data Science here at the Boston University School of Public Health that will grow the work of, and subsume, the Biostatistics and Epidemiology Data Analytics Center (BEDAC) and the Population Health Data Science Program (PHDS).  I am delighted that […]

What to Do if Something Bad Happens

Dear Colleagues, This is the fourth in a series of notes offering a shared grounding in the operations of the School. The goal of these notes is to make sure all community members are aware of the resources available to help us all succeed and thrive. This is the final note from me in this […]

Health and Well-Being Resources Available at SPH

Dear Colleagues, This note continues the series of notes providing an overview of School functions and operations and a summary of resources available to our community. We aspire to be the best place for all our students, staff, and faculty to study and work. As part of that goal, we have a suite of resources […]

How Do I Know What is Going On at the School?

Dear Colleagues, This note continues the series of notes that aim to orient new students, faculty, and staff on our School functions and operations, and perhaps also provide a refresher to our returning community members. This note will focus on how we communicate information. The following are the primary mechanisms through which we communicate as […]

Who Does What at the School?

Dear Colleagues, I hope that everyone has had an enjoyable and restful summer. A warm welcome to our new community members: students, staff, and faculty. We are delighted you have joined us. To our returning community members, a heartfelt welcome back. As we embark on this new semester, I am writing a series of notes […]

Faculty Participation in Presidential Inauguration Ceremony

Dear Colleagues, I hope all have had a wonderful start to the summer. I write on behalf of the President’s Office with a reminder that all full-time and part-time faculty are invited to march in the academic procession at Dr. Gilliam’s inauguration on Friday, September 27th, 2:00 PM, at Agganis Arena. If of interest, please note the […]

A Personal Transition

Dear colleagues, I write today to note a personal transition. I have recently told President Freeman, incoming President Gilliam, and Provosts Lutchen and Antman that at the end of 2024 I shall step down as Dean of the School of Public Health, paving the way for the next generation of leadership at the school who […]

2024 Annual SPH Awards

Dear Colleagues, This month, we will celebrate members of our community who have made extraordinary contributions to the life of our School through our Annual SPH Awards. We will celebrate our award winners on two occasions—our annual Friday afternoon awards ceremony and at Saturday’s Convocation ceremony. In case you missed it, all our 2024 SPH […]

Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Giving Day

Dear BUSPH Community, Today marks the 10th anniversary of Giving Day at Boston University. I invite everyone to join me in celebration as we mark this milestone. Over the past decade, the steadfast support of alumni, faculty, staff, students, parents, and friends has advanced our core purpose: Think. Teach. Do. Together, we have done much to build the foundations of a healthier […]

Supporting Our Community During the Recently Announced Student Strike

Dear Colleagues: We have recently learned that the BU Graduate Workers Union (SEIU Local 509) has voted to authorize a strike of all graduate student workers in the bargaining unit, which began on Monday, March 25. Dean Lazic will reach out with additional information about how we will manage operations during the strike. I wanted however […]