It is my pleasure to introduce to the BUSPH community, Assistant Professor Leonardo Martinez, the Department of Epidemiology’s most recent addition to our faculty. Dr. Martinez is an infectious disease epidemiologist with a special interest in tuberculosis (TB). He received a PhD in epidemiology from the University of Georgia in 2017 and an MPH from Tulane University in 2012. Before coming to BUSPH, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University where he integrated field epidemiology in vulnerable populations and statistical modeling to understand transmission patterns. In addition to his expertise, Dr. Martinez is a skilled convener. For example, he organized investigators around the globe to assemble data from 46 cohorts to study TB transmission in children. He found the risk of TB in infants and young children was especially high and quick to develop after exposure, with huge implications for prevention strategies. He is currently conducting a study on effective and efficient approaches to TB screening in Brazilian prison populations through an NIH K01 career development grant. In addition, Dr. Martinez has a Center for AIDS Research development award to study chronic lung impairment and vitamin D deficiency among young children with a history of HIV and TB exposures. In 2020, he received ‘Young Investigator’ and ‘Rising Star’ awards from two premier tuberculosis research professional organizations. The Department of Epidemiology has enjoyed working virtually with Leo and is excited to do so in person this summer!

Martha Werler
Professor and Chair, Department of Epidemiology

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