Weekly Drop-in Hour: International Student Career Advising.

  • Starts: 1:00 pm on Thursday, April 4, 2024
  • Ends: 2:00 pm on Thursday, April 4, 2024

Interested in enhancing your career prospects? Do you have questions about job search, practicum, or building your network? Join us and gain valuable insights and more!

Who Should Attend: International students seeking career guidance and support.

Why Attend: (1) Gain valuable insights to advance your career in a new cultural and professional setting, and (2) Access a wealth of resources to aid in your career development.

No registration required! Just drop in during the session hours.

Talbot 226
Contact Name
Kwesi Essilfie
Contact Email
Host (Department, School, Center, etc.)
Career and Practicum Office
SPH Audience (Staff, Faculty, All Students, On Campus Students, Online MPH Students)
On-Campus Students
Open to the public (Yes, No, By Invitation Only)