
Faculty appointments and promotions at Boston University School of Public Health are governed by policies and procedures of the University, Medical Campus, and SPH, as set forth in the BU Faculty Handbook, in BUMC policies and procedures, and in these guidelines. Within the parameters established by these documents, the SPH, through its Governing Council and Appointments and Promotions Committee, may establish additional policies and procedures.

The guidelines outlined in this document are intended to clarify expectations for department chairs considering rank for new faculty positions, faculty and committees reviewing the suitability of the applications, and SPH faculty seeking promotion. These guidelines are intended to adapt University guidelines and to apply them to the circumstances of the SPH. In both the University and SPH guidelines, flexibility is built into the criteria for appointments and promotions, and the criteria are likewise subject to interpretation by the Appointments and Promotions Committee, the Governing Council, and the Dean. The guidelines outlined here are intended to be consistent with the University and Medical Campus policies. In case of conflict, the policies of the University and Medical Campus take precedent.

Hiring, promoting, and retaining faculty members who demonstrate excellence in research, education, and service is critical to advancing our shared mission to improve the health of populations. These guidelines reflect the School’s commitment to establishing and maintaining high standards of academic and professional excellence and achievement amongst its faculty. This commitment is consistent with Boston University’s goals for “hiring, promoting, and retaining faculty members who are excellent teachers and leaders in research, scholarship, and professional accomplishment.”

This document is organized as follows: Section 2 defines the categories and ranks of faculty appointments at SPH; Section 3 outlines the criteria for faculty appointment and promotion to those categories and ranks; and Section 4 specifies procedures for appointments, promotions, and changing to a different faculty category. Appendix A describes the process for recruiting new faculty and Appendix B describes the components of the appointment and promotions packet.