Procedures for Reviewing and Approving Major Policy and Planning Initiatives.
Major policy and planning recommendations from the Faculty Senate, standing committees, task forces, and other groups will be reviewed and approved through a series of four clearly defined steps:
- A written draft shall be prepared and approved by the proposing group and submitted to the Governing Council (GC).
- The GC will circulate the draft proposal to the following for review and written comment: department chairs, Faculty Senate, and other individuals and groups (as appropriate)
- Written comments shall be returned within 45 days
- A representative of the proposing group shall discuss the draft proposal at meetings of these reviewing groups if requested
- After considering written and other comments, the proposing group shall develop and approve a final draft proposal and advance it to the GC, with copies of the written comments.
- The GC shall review the proposal, revise it if considered necessary, and then take a formal vote to approve it or reject it. Written justification for changes or for rejection shall be returned to the committee of origin.
- Policy and planning proposals approved by the GC are subject to the approval of the Dean and, in certain matters, by other University officials or committees.