Cupples Award for Excellence Goes to Harvard Biostatistics Professor Sharon-Lise Normand.

The 2015 L. Adrienne Cupples Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research and Service in Biostatistics has been awarded to Sharon-Lise Normand, a professor of biostatistics at Harvard Medical School and Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Dr. Normand accepted her award before an audience of about 50 SPH faculty, staff and students and delivered a presentation titled: “Approaches to Comparative Effectiveness Estimation in Prospective Observational Data.” Dr. Normand received the award for her research on the development of statistical methods for health services research, and for her inquiries into methods for the analysis of patterns of treatment and quality of care for patients with cardiovascular disease and with mental disorders.
Her research also focuses on the development of statistical methods for health services research, primarily using Bayesian approaches to problem solving, including assessment of quality of care, methods for causal inference, provider profiling, meta-analysis, and latent variable modeling.
She has also been a leader in the development of methods for the analysis of patterns of treatment and quality of care for patients with cardiovascular disease and with mental disorders. Prof. Normand’s more than 290 peer-reviewed publications have appeared in top journals and had a demonstrable impact on policy and the field. She has served as President of the Eastern North American Region of the International Biometrics Society, is a Fellow of the American Heart Association and the recipient of the American Statistical Association Health Policy Statistics Section’s Long Term Excellence Award.
The annual L. Adrienne Cupples Award honors a biostatistician whose academic achievements reflect the contributions to teaching, research, and service exemplified by SPH Professor L. Adrienne Cupples. Dr. Cupples joined the SPH faculty in 1981 and later served as founding Chair of the Department of Biostatistics and Co-Executive Director of the Graduate Program in Biostatistics.
During her tenure at BUSPH, she has advanced the field of biostatistics through extensive publications in major journals and book chapters on collaborative and methodological research, development and effective teaching of a wide range of biostatistics courses, and mentorship of numerous graduate students and faculty.
To be eligible for the Cupples Award — which includes a $1,000 honorarium and a decorative award — the nominee must be an internationally recognized statistician/biostatistician who has made significant contributions to the statistical sciences through teaching, research, and service.