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There are 2 comments on FDA E-Cigarette Regulations Aren’t Just Wrong—They’re Dangerous

  1. Hi my name is Jeffrey I have been vaping now for 3-4 years this whole thing is a no brainer if you take a step back and look at all the benefits of vaping one that I have not heard is exercise I was athlete when I was young cigarettes took that from me I now exercise regularly and my overall mode is better confidence has returned in some aspects has changed I feel that I am a happier person vaping has had a big impact on me I don’t even like to be around people that some cigarettes vaping is a better safer way

  2. The FDA is just wrong like many government agencies… They are persuaded by the big companies with money and don’t care about the majorities of people who have benefitted from quitting smoking,
    Personally I have tried to quit smoking a half a dozen times. I have tried the patch and gum 5 different times and a few of them made myself sick. I am 44 years old and have been smoking cigarettes since I was 18. When you use the patch, you still want the sensation of smoking, thus you still here and there light one up which is very dangerous. I started vaping about a year ago and now I am nicotine free but like the fact that I can still vape. These politicians are just wrong!!! Additionally I have had psoriasis for a number of years. When I was smoking cigarettes, my psoriasis was very bad, about 80% over my skin. When I stopped smoking and went to vaping, the psoriasis started to clear up. More than any of the medicines could do that were prescribed by my doctor (I was on different types of injections twice a week). Once again the FDA and government are just wrong!!
    Our country in going in a downhill spiral and if we don’t start to fix things we are all eventually going to suffer from the mistakes and blindness of the people who are running it….

    Thank you,
    Kevin J. Franklin

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