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There are 210 comments on Gulf War Veterans “Aging” Faster

  1. I was deployed on Desert Shield/Storm with the 101st ABN DIV (AASLT). I now have Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Anemia and numerous skin rashes and medical problems. I retired after over 20 years of service in 1996 and after reading an article I would like to know how or where to seek help and not just lip service?

    1. Please seek out your local VFW service officer for assistance, I am going through the same thing. If they cannoy help please call me and I will direct you to the right people. You can email me at or call me at 7853428122.
      John Jelley, VFW Sr. Vice Cdr., Post 8773

      1. My son served with 1st CAV Div from Ft Hood He also suffers from all the things you mentioned. Yesterday I saw him and he cannot hardly walk because he shakes so much and takes over 20 prescriptions per day. He has to take 4 insulin shots per day for diabetes. He has memory loss, rashes that break out randomly and doesn’t know why, is in constant pain, suffers from migraine headaches that totally incapacitates him, has to keep his house cold as he stays hot, has to keep the house dark all the time, sunlight causes him pain, he has joint pain and has to wear knee & leg braces sometimes, has to walk with a cane, sleeps most of the day because of meds & pain, simply cannot do anything bc he is fatigued all the time, to distract him from his pain, he has to play games on his phone or watch tv, he has a hard time playing with his grandchildren or doing any activities with his sons and I could go on and on. He suffers daily with pain and I don’t know how to help him or alleviate His pain and feel helpless as I watch him deteriorate day after day. He has high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides,……is there anything you can do to help?

        1. I served with the 1st Cav Ft Hood also.
          I’ve been in pain for years, my legs and feet are torture. Low testosterone, high blood, headaches, memory loss, can’t sleep without meds, light Sensitive. I was recently diagnosed as as a diabetic and was given medication that made me sick The VA acts like they can fix everything with pills. I’m so flustered And tired of being in pain.

    2. I lost lost my Veteren in 2015 agent orange legislation was passed late that for all future veterans that suffered for exposure so you would have to suffer for 50 years like they did

    3. Hi Ronald,

      We recommend that you ask your primary care physician to refer you to the War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC), which can help veterans receive diagnoses and treatment for conditions related to their service ( If you need any other resources, or if we can help in any other way, please reach out to our team at or 617-358-1717.

    4. Hi, Ronald, I served the same time you did 25 years. at that time I was with the 1ST CAV DIV. I have all the same thing wrong with me I would like to know too the VA doesn’t do much.

      1. Hi Philip,

        We’re sorry to hear about your health problems. If you are interested in learning more about our research or would like information about seeking health care and treatment, please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to

    5. Hi Ronald,

      We’re sorry to hear about your health problems. If you are interested in learning more about our research or would like information about seeking health care and treatment, please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to We recommend you ask your primary care doctor to refer you to the WRIISC (, which can help to provide diagnoses and healthcare for service-related illnesses and injuries.

    6. I was in the 60th Airlift Wing deployed to Saudi Arabia in the Gulf War. We were ordered to take shots allegedly purported to combat chemical warfare but the shots had only even barely passed animal testing up until then, yet we HAD to take the shots anyway upon direct orders from above. I remember hearing ringing in my ears the night after the shot and I still have to wonder what in the world that shot did to me. Do any of you remember this order to take those shots? And if so, did you also hear ringing in the ears for a time?

      1. Looking back at my comment a moment ago, I wanted to further ADD to it that unlike the “optional” Covid-19 vaccine the troops right now can say yes or no to, we HAD to take this shot during the build-up to the Gulf War. What do you think about that? That, then, we had no choice but to take it, but now, the soldiers are given the choice. I guess “war” has a direct impact on such decisions. Don’t you think?

      2. Since the Gulf War my health has crumbled severely. I was a fool after my Air Force years back then to then later go into the Army into Iraq and Afghanistan. From which my health further deteriorated. I was a top runner and cadence caller in the US Army *BEFORE* my Afghanistan deployment, and then returned to then not be able to run or call cadence at all. My DD-214 mentions something like 8% disability due to lung disorder from the bad air in Afghanistan – but what does that really MEAN? It ruined me. It absolutely ruined the ONE PT exercise I really, really enjoyed the most, which was running. Yet I could still pass my pushups and situps… but not that dang run time anymore afterwards. See, I got to 18 years military service and they simply let me go. Could not re-enlist or anything to get to my 20 to retirement. It SUCKS. And no military doctor then would give me a PT profile for it either. Too many fakers I guess. But not me. I was honestly physically running/breathing disabled after Afghanistan. Rotten times.

    1. I took the PB tabs when Gulf War broke out. We were all forced and monitored to take it. The funny part was, it was never recorded in our medical records. Hard to explain to VA when it was not in your medical records. Oh yeah and Antrax also …

      1. I was given 2 shots and 2 pills..and of course nothing in my medical records to reflect that. I have been fighting with the VA for almost 5 years now. So frustrating.

      2. I too took the PB pills like the guy above me and it was never documented anywhere in my records also. I now suffer with an autoimmune disease of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis in my early 50’s and other Chronic illnesses as well…. so sad. I thought I was the only one….:(

    2. The VA will only compensate for diagnosable but medically unexplained chronic multisymptom illnesses or undiagnosable illnesses, and not the exposures. The VA regulation that covers this is 38 CFR 3.317.

      1. Yeah, except from what I read, a lot of veterans go through decades of horrible debilitating physical problems which the VA doctors won’t give a diagnosis for or even explain what is happening to them. Over 100,000 compensation claims filed for Gulf War Syndrome with approx 17K approved, the rest were declined. Doesn’t sound like they are much interested in taking care of our veterans.

        I also read a study conducted in 1999 that concluded all the symptoms of GWS could be explained by the experimental (at that time, experimental) drug ‘pyridostigmine bromide (PB)’ and that was 20 years ago!! In the meantime, everything I’m reading today seems to give information that it has never been explained or that ‘maybe’ it was a combination of exposures; even though the known symptoms of GWS are identical to the known side effects of that drug (with one exception, in that the drug has a side effect of autistic spectrum symptoms).

        1. I a DS/DS Vet. We had the same thing take the pills and get shots. Couldn’t say no and no documentation. Dealt with oil fire smokes, pesticides, burn pits, burning shit, chemical alarms going off all the time.

          I’ve taken almost every test they had and still no GWI acknowledgement. I hurt everyday, joints hurt, trouble walking, severe headaches, intestinal issues so bad when I get it I am housebound. Can’t eat or go anywhere or do anything.

          I’ve had so many X-rays and MRI’s and blood test down to the cellular level. Still nothing, this is beyond ridiculous all these test and no results?!
          I had a Compensation employee tell me it will be years before the VA will recognize what we suffer from and the see any help.

          I came home from DS/DS and hacked up black oily gunk for over a month. If I’m around chemica

      2. The VA has only denied my claim for compensation arguing (in a subtle way) that I was making all my symptoms up, that there were no diagnosis, and always ignored the “presumption” that I am entitled to for my undiagnosed illnesses and/or MUCMI. About 3 years ago I finally was able to show medical evidence of the cause of my symptoms (which is due to mitochondrial damage during the
        Gulf War) that I got from studies at UCSD and a letter from my doctor (not the VA doctor) stating that indeed all of my symptoms now make sense because of the clear evidence that showed in the specific studies done at the University of California San Diego. With these new documents at hand, the VA still denied my case because according to the appeals regulations I can not show new and relevant proof other than the old evidence I showed in the beginning. This means that, even when the VA clearly knows that they messed up not granting my case, they will continue to deny all the way in a determinate and evil way to prejudice the veterans.

  2. If the studies into Agent Orange are any example of the time frame involved in studies then most of these Veterans will be dead before any meaningful research is released. They still have a couple decades of denial by the VA then 10 or 15 years of studies resulting in maybe 2 or 3 conditions resulting from exposure. Then over the next 20 years more will added but by then the cost to the VA will be contained by the deaths of the Veterans.

    1. I agree with LW, I am a veteran of both VN & Persian Gulf War. In VN I was exposed to Agent Orange Documented and in the Persian Gulf to Sarin Gas from exploded enemy Artillery destroyed by us. I was with the 18th FA Brigade supporting the 24 ID. Desert Shield, Desert Storm, and Desert Calm.

        1. Brian Busch, same here brother 3/319th AFAR 82nd. The PA I have at the VA is a joke she literally told me that we weren’t exposed to any types of nerve agents and that it’s a in our heads.

          1. I was a 13 B with the 2/18th F.A. out of Ft. Sill…..we were the 24th I.D.’s fire support. I remember the alarms going off at least twice. We were told they were all false alarms. I remember the night we moved into Iraq as the ground war began. Something happened and the entire convoy had to stop because something affected our eyes and we the pain was intense, then gone. That pain has started coming back to my right eye only so far. I’ve had some very unusual sweating ever since, and had something wierd & painful grow out of my right nipple…..can I get my chromosomes checked? Has anyone else experienced this?

  3. I’ve had three heart attack’s, dieabeties, high blood pressure, chronic,cough, low energy, aches and pain and sleep apnea. Was in first gulf war with
    11th ACR

    1. Hi William,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

    2. I’m right there with ya. First Marine Division. Five years ago I had my gall bladder out along with 17 stones. Three years ago at the age of 45 I had a 6-way heart bypass. A week later I became septic where I was rushed back to the hospital where I got to have heart surgery all over again. Except this time I was in the hospital for 5 months. During that time my right lung collapsed and my left lung kept filling up with fluid. Every 3rd day they had to take me down and drain out the fluid. They did that with an 18″ needle in my back where I had to lay perfectly still for an hour and a half each time. My kidneys would take turns shutting down and my liver would work when it wanted to. When I got out I had to learn how to walk, brush my teeth, use utensils to eat with etc… all over again. In December I flew down to Florida to visit my brother. After the first night we had finished dinner. I woke up in the hospital not knowing what had happened when I was told I had a stroke. My entire left side was numb. They said it was a mild stroke though. So I guess that makes it ok. I have gained most of the feeling back, but none of the coordination. I do not feel like I am aging faster, I AM aging faster. I am 48 going on 83. I will be real surprised if I see 60. I completely understand what everyone here is saying. The VA just continues to deny claims until enough of those vets just die off. Cheaper that way. Like they say, “The VA, giving veterans a second chance to die for their country since 1930.” It took me 9 years and a hearing in Washington D.C. before I got approved. 70 SC/30 pension P & T, with Individual Unemployability and 5 years to get SSDI. I had to go to a hearing for them as well. But I didn’t get approved before I lost everything. They foreclosed on my house in Sept. 2013. I was approved for a war pension in Oct. 2013. Got SSDI in April of 2014 and VA in August of 2014. They make damn sure that you have nothing left before they approve a damn thing. And I consider myself very lucky and blessed. I just know there are many more vets much more worse off than I.

      1. Hi Todd,

        We’re sorry to hear about your health problems. If you are interested in learning more about our research or would like information about seeking health care and treatment, please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to

      2. Deny til you die….I agree totally…B 502ND CO FSB. 2 AD, Fort Hood,TX tiger brigade, I myself had every symptoms of nerve agent exposure, crapping and puking blood, spitting it out my mouth, shakes, cold sweats, muscle twitching uncontrollably, memory & concentration along with common vocabulary gone, the innoculation site puffed out like a ringworm & began oozing fluids out, vision blurred with my prostate swole to the point where any walking or sleep was almost impossible, white blood cell count through the roof..hands and muscles would cramp and lockup, nose was usually bleeding or running like a faucet clear fluids, had to carry around 2 army Brown shirts for nose, skin would sting and joint s swell. With pains whenever doing actities such as PT, yet the VA couldn’t find anything wrong with this then young soldier, I would love to speakout to the public about what we as DSS vets suffered and still suffering from yet VA continues to deny til we die…BRO I SAID ALL THIS TO SAY YOU ARE NOT ALONE THEY ARE DOING THIS TO THE MAJORITY OF US!!

        1. We we’re up on Dodge between Blue and Green. Michigan National Guard. We had a full Bird come out of Washington and told us we were getting sick because of antrapine replacement. Many have died of heart attack. We had a EPW camp in the mine fields. On MSR fox. First day in that fucking sandstorm hit and I wonder what chemicals were laying on the desert floor. But we were told it was antrapine replacement. They would blame the wolf burgers. I ate a hundred of those Damm things. We have got to keep fighting like the Vietnam veterans did. They are not getting properly compensated for agent Orange! WTF over!

        2. The VA denied my claim and I’m approved for SSDI since 2010. I had to see a social security ALJ to get approval and lost my dream home that I worked thirty years for paying into the system. Now my doctor cut off my pain meds because I asked for one more Soma a day. Never failed a drug test or refilled early. The government or politicians can have pain meds but not Veterans. The country is under a malevolent force torturing Veterans, Elderly and chronic pain patients. I’m out of options living in Texas MMJ will never be legalized and I’m stuck here til my Wife retires. That’s eight more years and I won’t survive eight more years without pain meds. I’m bedridden hoping and praying I die in my sleep.

      3. Maybe you all want or need the opposite of what caused all this mess. Chemicals and pills caused it and exposures. No answer will come from the side that caused it.
        However you can do something yourself. Look into going wfpb…all the people on those diets age slowly. All kinds of chronic diseases can be reversed or halted. it is no coincidence and there is zero fiancial incentive. Look into mcDougall Pritikin Fuhrman neal Barnard.
        It helps the body handle toxins and excrete them…..especially good for all kinds of vascular.diseases. you may laugh at me or despise me or whatever,i do not care. i know it works and there is no financial incentive.
        All the best.

      4. That’s for sure Todd, you are lucky thank God because most veterans loose everything and continue that way for years until they die. Rest assured that the VA (as well as the SS) was forced to grant your compensation benefits thanks to your great perseverance to get them and a whole lot of help from God. Congrats!

    3. Was with 11th acr attached to 3rd acr had. Heart attack 4 stints have diabetes high blood pressure took pb tabs and anthrax shots have arthritis throughout body rays look like 80 year old only 58. Headaches all the time now can’t take anything for them cause of heart meds

    4. I was also deployed with the 11th acr attached to the 3rd acr I’ve had 2 stints have high blood pressure had heart attack took pb pills and anthrax shots not put in records have had chronic bowel disease. No help from va my xrays show I look like 90 year old constant pain can anyone help on how to get compensation from va email me at

  4. This article describes my health condition exactly and the VA doctors just keep ignoring what I tell them so the VA does not have to disable me and compensate me.

    1. Hi Randy,

      If you are having difficulty receiving adequate care, we recommend that you ask your primary care physician to refer you to the War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC), which can help veterans receive diagnoses and treatment for conditions related to their service (

      If you need any other resources, are interested in participating in our research, or if we can help in any other way, please reach out to our team at or 617-358-1717.

      1. I’m a GW vet, I’ve been in the VA system for 20 years. I’ve had to work to get claims approved. I’ve also been involved with WRIISC. My problem with WRIISC was they tell you they will have you come to a WRIISC center for tests but really all they did for me was a phone consultation and made recommendations for treatment of disabilities that are already rated. The VA has also adopted a Whole Health treatment approach for what ails vets, Tai Chi, yoga and acupuncture. Like those will help with the health problems we have. It’s a joke. Right now I’ve been thru 3 surgeries as my joints are all severely pitted and I receive cortisone shots every 6 weeks. I’m seeing a neurologist, rheumatologist, ENT, neurosurgeon and ortho surgeon. I’ve had countless tests done over the last 20 years and still having tests done. I volunteered for research and will be participating in a study for inflammation reduction. I’m 52 in the body that is like my father’s and he is 79. I’ve had numerous claims denied by the VA. It shouldn’t be this hard , it was easier pulling the trigger in combat than dealing with the VA and the system.

        1. Hi Dean,

          We’re sorry to hear about your health problems. If you are interested in participating in other studies or would like information about seeking health care and treatment, please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to

      2. I went to the WRIISC in DC. Dr. Lee told me at the time my diagnosis was complicated and couldn’t be explained easily. 3 months later I received my diagnosis. Told me, taking of pain medicine caused my problems. Even tho I had my problems before way before getting the pain meds and quit taking them almost 3 years ago but somehow, I still have the same problems but only worse. Slow Kill is what I label it. Now the Infusions the VA gives me, is taking out my liver and causing exposures to pop up during routine blood work. Yeah the WRIISC confirmed that I have PTSD, hearing issues and something new, Osteoporosis.

      3. I deployed with the 101st in September 90 we started talking the PB pills before we left . As to the primary care doctors have encountered they are lacking in intelligence . I have 9 stints a defibrillator ,skin rashes borderline diabetic, and since January I have developed pain in shoulders ,hands ankles , knees my primary care promised help in January now it is May no help yet the only way I can function is ibuprofen which I not supposed to take because of my heart meds so what do you do

        1. I hope you read this…I just read several studies related to chronic NSAID use (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.) and they absolutely serious adverse interactions with other medications. Known to cause heart attack and strokes; renal impairment/failure; liver damage; cause an increased risk of heart failure and those who survive a first hospitalization for HF who subsequently take NSAIDs are at a substantially increased risk of death.

          More people die in every year the US from NSAID use than die from AIDS & cervical cancer. The older you are, the more likely NSAIDs are to cause health problems and adverse reactions to other medications. That means 55 years and up. Kick the doctor’s ass and tell him to give you something for the pain that might not kill you, destroy your liver or have you hooked up to a dialysis machine.

        2. Hi hoytipton,

          We’re sorry to hear about your health problems. If you are interested in learning more about our research or would like information about seeking health care and treatment, please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to

    2. I’ve tried the same to include tremors on left side and it isn’t hereidatry or Parkenisons by my VA Urioglyst but when I bring up Desert Storm. They agree vocally but won’t put in writing in your records. For they know you’ll file a claim and I was subject to scuds,burn pits,oil well fires and the pill’s. Sense then the health has only gotten worse with age VA has me taking daily BP check’s and recording,I’m on CPAC machine tremors left side ,border line diabetes and been on Crestor and the like sense 1995. So I know what everyone is saying for when I was in and retired in 1992 we didn’t noticed problems but now older they show up and VA doesn’t want to compensate sense we didn’t ride the sick call train while on active duty.

    3. Same here Randy, the VA clinic not only will not diagnose my illnesses, but in the last visit, the new doctor refused to write a letter on my behalf to support my claim for SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance); she showed up for the appointment 30 minutes late and I was seen for only about 15 minutes because I had to go pick up my son from school. A few days latter I was curious about what the doctor wrote during my visit, and my surprise was that in that report she stated that I DO NOT experience ANY of the issues that I tried to get support for when in fact I was not asked any questions about them. It’s sad, these VA doctor may seem good people, but in their reports they try to disqualify you from getting financial compensation (there are exemptions, of course in the rate of one good doctor to five bad doctors). My recommendation is that you try to get your medical records from doctors that do not work at the VA clinics, as much as you can, and don’t give up appealing your VA denials.


  6. I was with 3/7 81’s platoon USMC. I know my joints hurt all the times and I do forget stuff a lot. As of right now the rest of my health is good but I do try to eat right and work out 5 times a week.

    1. Hi Aaron,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about participating in our study, if we can offer you more information or resources, or if we can help out in any other way.

    2. I deployed on Aug. 29, 1990 and returned on April 06, 1991. I have chronic joint pain, chronic fatigue, short term memory loss, high blood pressure, headache, high cholesterol. And Everytime I hear these taunting storm sirens I go into massive panic mode. It’s not fun. Anyone with similar or same issues filed? If so contact me.

      1. Hi Stephen,

        We’re sorry to hear about your health problems. If you are interested in learning more about our research, please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to

      2. I have been having these issues for some time and got lucky by finding a doctor who treats vets of the gulf and other campaigns walked in and could not believe this man was was real I could of cried if I haven’t had those ducts chemically burned

    1. Hi Diego,

      Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

    1. Hi John,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

  7. Did two tours in Thailand, then active duty for desert shield ,thur to the gulf war ,,The PB pills in New Jersey guard we were told to take them before we left, then while flying and refueling , black smoke from all the oil fire they set ,and while on the ground ,they recommended, wearing flea collars, ,on ankles and neck , 28 years forced out o percent disability. An have had all the symptoms, plus all my crowns and teeth fell out just venting

    1. Hi Jack,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment. Let us know if there is anything else we can do for you.

  8. This makes a lot more sense considering I had to have my mitral valve replaced at the age of 40. It seems that once I hot 40 I started falling apart.

    1. Hi Timothy,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment. Let us know if we can do anything else for you.

    2. The VA denied my claim and I’m approved for SSDI since 2010. I had to see a social security ALJ to get approval and lost my dream home that I worked thirty years for paying into the system. Now my doctor cut off my pain meds because I asked for one more Soma a day. Never failed a drug test or refilled early. The government or politicians can have pain meds but not Veterans. The country is under a malevolent force torturing Veterans, Elderly and chronic pain patients. I’m out of options living in Texas MMJ will never be legalized and I’m stuck here til my Wife retires. That’s eight more years and I won’t survive eight more years without pain meds. I’m bedridden hoping and praying I die in my sleep.

    3. I was 37 when I went from flare ups every year that could last months to a flare that never died and disabled, house bound and going downhill quickly. I also have valve issues and abnormal EKG, low voltage. I feel in my soul I won’t last another 10 years. Maybe 5.

  9. I am 50 gulf war veteran who suffers from chronic arthritis in my hip and high cholesterol. I was also diagnosed with prostate cancer at 49. My EKGs are abnormal. I mean what can be done about it now. To top that off I am retired after 21 years and still can’t no more than 80%. Sad

    1. Hi Tony,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment. Let us know if we can do anything else for you.

    1. Hi Aaron,

      We are conducting research to help find biomarkers of Gulf War Illness that may lead to targeted treatments for Gulf War veterans. If you are interested in being involved in our research, please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to Please let us know if you have any questions or if there is anything else we can do for you.

  10. I am a veteran of Desert Storm and was exposed to sarin and took the PB pills and was exposed to several other agents and now have diabetes, coronary artery disease with 3 stents places in my heart, I have high blood pressure with 3 meds to control it, high cholesterol, prior to stent placement, I suffered severe chest pain, I have Sjogren’s Syndrome and fibromyalgia with severe pain in all my joints, muscles and skin. I have had to stop working because of the pain, memory loss with difficulty with word finding, I have PTSD and severe anxiety and now am suffering from loss of bowel and bladder and I am only 51 years old. I have arthritis and degenerative disc disease and scoliosis of the spine and neck with decreased range of motion in both. It really sucks and I want to do things but my I’ll esses prevent from doing them. I have tried to get into some of the studies and they always reject me because they will only take people with this disease and not that disease. I don’t know when they will wake up and realize that we are all having the same diseases and if blocked from studies because you have diabetes or an autoimmune disease, they are blocking most of the veterans from getting into these studies and from getting help to possibly stop the diseases we are all suffering from.

    1. Hi James,

      Thank you for your interest in our research. We are sorry to hear about all of your health problems. If you have any questions about our research, or if we can refer you to any resources or otherwise help, please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email at

    2. Being rejected from the studies because of Sjögrens Syndrome is kinda crap. From what I’ve read, that PB medication is known to cause autoimmune diseases. I feel for you. I’m not a veteran (have some family members) but I do suffer from most of the symptoms of Sjögrens INCLUDING memory loss and difficulty ‘finding words’ (hate it). I have never received a diagnosis of anything. They run tests on each individual symptom. When they can’t find a cause, they give up. One doctor said ‘your hemoglobin panels were normal, so that means nothing is wrong’. What? So why’s the skin coming off my face/hair line? (Probably associated secondary autoimmune SLE) – she shrugs her shoulders and says “I dunno. Maybe it’s stress. Stress can cause skin problems.” Basically, who cares and what do you want from me?

    1. Hi Robert,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

  11. Interesting. I did the Gulf War Registry thing, but that was way back in the late 90’s and I was still a young man and largely healthy. Now I’m 47 (still sexy like I was in the 90s mind you, just more polished off) and I’m taking cholesterol and diabetes meds and dealing with chronic back pain. Had no idea this was chronic amongst my Gulf war brothers. Good luck getting the VA to do something about it though.

    1. So what have you done about getting disability compensation? Have you talked to your local VSO (Veteran Services Officer). It took me 5 yrs to finally get 100% (the 1st time I applied I got 70%). Now that I have serious digestive issues, I was given a higher rating of the other 30%. I didn’t give up or complain about what the VA will not do for me. You will get help from your local VSO or VA rep at your local VA Facility. They are moving thru Veterans Claims extremely fast now so you shouldn’t have to wait more than 14-16 months for a decision. You did your tour and time…now let the VA help you out because you DESERVE it. Thank you for your service too.

    2. Hi Greg,

      Thank you for your interest in our research. If you are interested in participating, please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to to learn more about our studies. Please let us know if we can point you to any resources on VA claims or health care.

    3. I recently had my first Gulf War Exam, 28 years later because I wasn’t aware an exam was available to us. You can request an updated exam. It is my understanding Gulf War Vets have until 2021 to request this. For those vets who haven’t had this exam, call and get your symptoms and lab results documented! We deserve answers to these symptoms! Don’t give up!

  12. I am a 49 year old gulf war veteran. I have chronic asthma, bouts of bronchitis, iron deficiency anemia, neuropathy and skin rashes. I’m glad our conditions are finally getting noticed… I wish everyone the best!

    1. Hi Tracy,

      Thank you for your interest in our research. We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

  13. I am 52 and served in Desert Shield/Desert Storm. I have high-blood pressure, diabetes, tuberculosis and when they finally diagnosed my sleep apnea, they said that my breathing was so bad that I was spending more time each night NOT breathing, than breathing. (78 apnea “episodes” per hour). The analogy that our bodies are ten years “older” than our actual years seems very appropriate.

    I have forwarded this article on to my US Representative and also to President Trump in hopes that we might actually have someone who will direct the VA to take care of our Vets rather than simply denying their disability requests, even when they are for “presumptive” diseases.

    1. Hi Alan,

      Thank you for your interest in our research. We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

    1. Hi Randy,

      We hope that our research will help veterans to find appropriate care for Gulf War Illness. If you have any questions or would like for us to send you information that may help with claim filing and health care, please contact us at 617-358-1717 or

  14. My father was in desert storm. He had his first heart attack at 42, followed by triple bypass, several angioplasties and stents, finally suffering a fatal heart attack at age 60.

  15. I’m 50 with PTSD , chronic pain high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, severe joint pain how do I get a whole whopping 10% disability from the government who’s won the fight for my country and in return substandard medical care are they push it to the point of giving up.

    1. Hi Darren,

      If you are having difficulty finding appropriate care, we recommend that you ask your primary care physician to refer you to the War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC), which can help veterans receive diagnoses and treatment for conditions related to their service ( If you need any other resources, or if we can help in any other way, please reach out to our team at or 617-358-1717.

    1. Hi Philip,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

  16. At 38 I had basal cell carcinoma in the face, shingles and am currently in the hospital recovering from my prostate being removed for prostate cancer at 48. smh

    1. Hi Sanford,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

  17. This describes my health issues. My body hurts all of over all of the time. I am dealing with “brain fog” and overall reduced capacity. I can’t remember or things just keave my mind before I can act on them. My cholesterol continues to climb although I eat healthy. This is not living.

    1. Hi Mark,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment at the VA.

  18. I serve in the first gulf war I have Chronic pain memory loss arthritis been complaining for years no one listening we serve now can we be serve just saying.

    1. Hi Jeffrey,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

  19. In 2009 I sufered a miocardial infarction. According yo VA, was probably due to a blood clot, but no proof of it was found. I had different opinions given by doctors of what could have caused it. 10 years later, still don’t know exactly what happened. I am a 91 Gulf War Veteran.

    1. Hi Nelson,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

  20. Served on 3AD and deployed to the Gulf from Dec 24, 1990 thru May 1991. ..e posed to mustard agent, took the pB pills, got coated in crude oil for 3 days in one posiyion in Iraq, 35 km from the massive oil well fires and lived in areas saturated with DF2 (used to hold down the dust/sand)….what could possibly go wrong??? I was initially diagnosed with sleep apnea at Walter Reed in 1994. Retired Dec 1995. The apnea worsened and rediagnosed by civilian docs with acute sleep apnea in 2004. High cholesterol, high BP, Type 2 diabetes and prostate trouble have cropped up since 2007…..

    1. Hi Bill,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

  21. I deployed to S.A. in 90. Was there in 91 Op. Desert Storm in 91 with the 18th ABN. Corps Artillery. In 2009, I sufered about three miocardial infarctions the same day. Ten years later VA have not determines for sure what caused it.

    1. Hi Nelson,

      We’re sorry to hear about your health problems. If you are interested in learning more about our research or would like information about seeking health care and treatment, please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to We recommend you ask your primary care doctor to refer you to the WRIISC (, which can help to provide diagnoses and healthcare for service-related illnesses and injuries.

  22. I would be interested in learning more about this study. I was in an infantry unit with the 101st ABN during Desert Sheild/Storm. We were there from sept to late March early April of 1990 I started suffering from bronchitis, body soreness, Hiderdenitis Supperativa and other sensitive skin issues since the mid 90’s among other things. I do remember taking the anthrax antibiotic horse bills and the PB. Also, there were several occasions where the NBC alarms systems employed to detect chemicals in the air went off. Can’t remember exact dates, however.

    I am currently not on any VA disability. I never registered with the VA. Been thinking about it.

    Let me know if there is anything I can contribute to your study.

    Thanks and best regards.

    Robert C. Mills

    1. Hi Robert,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about participating in our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment. Let us know if we can do anything else for you.

  23. I was in Desert Shield/Storm onboard the USS LaSalle. I took the PB pills as instructed.. Sept 30 2016 I had my heart attack. I am 63 years old We distilled fresh water from the oil saturatedGulf and endured countless weeks of oil fire smoke exposure is any one looking in to that? Or are we falling by the wayside as Agent Orange victims are?

    1. Hi Bud,

      Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

  24. In the early 1980s the Strategic Air Command had a global exercise called “Global Shield”. I was part of an Air Force Weather team that deployed and was forced to take PB pills for 3 weeks every 8 hourse, while working continuously 8 hours on 8 hours off. We were told these pills were a test to see how we would respond to the pills. We were never told that these were dangerous and could have serious health affects. Again in late 1980s early 1990s they began to issue the pills saying they were taken prioir to potential exposure to Nerve agents in SW Asia. It is only the last few years and some Senatorial hearings on the Gulf War Syndrome/Illness that we know why are seeing our health fail rapidly. Even after my 1980 exposure to PB the onset of hyperglycemia was rapid and it also affected my thyroid. I was placed on Synthroid at that time. I am sorry to read of all the cases that could have been prevented with better MOPP suits, masks and better testing by actually informing the lab rats and getting authorization that they would be used.

    1. Hi David,

      Thank you for your interest in our research. If you have any questions about our research or would like to learn more about it, please contact us at 617-358-1717 or

  25. I was in Baumholder, Germany from 1988-1991. Attached to 293rd Combat Engineer Battalion. Getting ready to possibly deploy to Desert Shield/ Desert Storm… we were given the PB tablets to take “Beforehand” for possible deployment. I now suffer from psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis which is an autoimmune disease, hypertension, asthma/ chronic bronchitis and sleep apnea. I also know of a fellow brother of mine in the same unit that has Lupus.. Very sad my fellow brothers and sisters have to go through this after serving our country. I too am now 49 years old going on 60!:(. May God Bless is all!!

    1. Hi Eddie,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if there is anything else we can help with.

  26. I was in King Fahd, 1st M.I. (underneath fallout from a dozen Patriot intercepted skud attacks) and King Khalid Military City (contact with piles of dead goats, oil fires, depleted uranium rounds). I DID NOT take the PB pills. I refused. Threatened with A-15, but they forgot about, because they’re stupid.
    I suffer from joint pains, depression, felt suicidal/homicidal, was a carpenter for 18 years, but haven’t worked in a decade due to PTSD, never had kids because of it. VA just shoved pills in my face and I met with condescending resistance to receive benefits over 10% only for a totally botched surgery. They rejected 5 requests for vocational rehab.
    Screw the government, screw the military, screw the VA, and screw the IRS that juices all of it. I haven’t paid taxes in 15 years and now grow cannabis in the California mountains. Off grid and rogue to the grave. Best thing I ever did for myself.

    1. Hi Dave,

      We’re sorry to hear about your health problems. If you are interested in learning more about our research or would like information about seeking health care and treatment, please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to We recommend you ask your primary care doctor to refer you to the WRIISC (, which can help to provide diagnoses and healthcare for service-related illnesses and injuries.

  27. I worked in at a VA benefits office for a few years processing disability claims. The priority of management was the speed at which claims were processed. As long as processing times were good, they got their bonus. There seemed to be little concern with doing what was right. Take a recent college graduate with no military background. Make him a claims rater and give him a quota with bonus as an incentive. In most cases, he would just dig into a veterans file enough to get the claim processed. Denials were faster and the faster you processed the claims the better bonus you received.

    1. If that is true, then the VA has a major issue….People are trying to survive and live..A second time……
      Lawsuits might wake them up….

  28. I am a British Royal Navy veteran of this war with similar medical conditions yet in Britain our government declines the link between these conditions. They are probably waiting until more of us are dead, like they did with the nuclear test veterans before they acknowledge GWO. I think your country is holding the light to show other countries the way. Good luck to all you and good health, or at least better health.

    1. Hi Simon,

      Thank you for your interest in our research. Please let us know if we can answer any questions for you or provide any more information that may be helpful to you.

  29. I have had memory issues since the gulf war, and in the last 3 years it has become more progressive. I can be driving down a road I have driven for years, next thing I’m lost or confused where I’m at until I see a structure or sign that is familiar. My wife is getting really worried and so am I. I took everything they gave us. Our unit even had formations to ensure we took our pills

    1. Hi Robert,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

  30. Gulf war vet. All these diseases accurately describes what I have been dealing with since before I retired from the Corps in 03. Prostate cancer surgery in 2015, high blood pressure with 3-medications, 4-cardiac ablations, chronic fatigue, severe arthritis, type-2 diabetes and depression and anxiety.

    1. Hi Silvester,

      Thank you for your interest in our research. We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

  31. I’m a 55 year old Gulf War Veteran who was in country a long time. Who lives like a 70 year old man. I have been diagnosed with so many different conditions, that just wreck my body. I was gassed numours times. Our entire brigade’s alarms went of with in seconds. They told us they all malfunctioned. Every night for to many nights to count and some days. I was in the 12th Aviation brigade. With a extra Apache battalion. So we covered miles of desert when we would occupy a area.
    We stayed in affected are for weeks. Our chemical (mopp) suits that we received in August of 1990 weren’t any good. The sealed bags were all ready tore open and their only good for 24 hours once open. The suits where design to fight the Russians in the Folda gap. Not Iraq in the desert. So they broke down faster in the desert heat.

    1. Hi Joseph,

      Thank you for your interest in our research. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

  32. I went through Desert Storm with 3rd ACR 3rd FWD support platoon. I know we took the PB pills as directed, exposed to gas, was sick with a 101.5 fever for a whole week with flu like symptoms while waiting in Saudi to move towards the border. When I got back couldn’t pass my PT test because I had trouble breathing, I would get massive headaches and couldn’t pass my runs. My medical records never made it back and now this. I am 53 right now have high blood pressure, high triglycerides, sleep apnea, irregular heartbeat, and look older than my brother who is 10 years older than me. Need help but since I got railroaded out of the Army I have had to work and don’t have time to just sit around the VA and have them connect my illnesses with my service. Wish I could tell my story once and have someone advocate for me while I do my job. Yes I have anger issues and feel that the VA and Gov. spend more time, money and effort trying to deny than trying to help. Thank those willing to take the time to read and listen.

    1. Hi Andrew,

      We recommend that you ask your primary care physician to refer you to the War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC), which can help veterans receive diagnoses and treatment for conditions related to their service ( If you need any other resources, are interested in our study, or if we can help in any other way, please reach out to our team at or 617-358-1717.

    2. I agree Andrew…I was called back to active service as IRR and attached to the Tiger Brigade, 2nd AD, FSB…I too have had many issues from rashes to memory loss, unexplained headaches etc. I was denied a claim after submitting because I couldn’t prove it to be service connected….NOTE: the word “I”……I slept in the oil field plumes, took the anthrax shot, took the “little white pills” as we called them, and as I get older my body is still deteriating at a seemingly fast pace….A war buddy has been given disability for the very same conditions but that’s after countless hours of living at the VA hospital.
      I have to make a living…I have to work, as long as this body can…..
      I do believe they will put us all off til we die off…..So much for our sacrifice and answering to the call of duty..We are seemingly on our own…Yes it causes anger..

  33. Served in the Army in Desert Shield/Storm. I remember the chemical detectors going off and dogs dying around us. Oil fires, the shits and the pills we took I believe caused me issues. I am 54 and have Prostate Cancer and Stage 4 Kidney Cancer. Had my Prostate and right Kidney removed and currently on Chemotherapy fighting. Anybody else have any medical issues? So far the VA has rated me for PTSD and Tinnitus and Hearing Loss.

    1. Hi Bill,

      We’re sorry to hear about your health problems. If you are interested in learning more about our research or would like information about seeking health care and treatment, please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to We recommend you ask your primary care doctor to refer you to the WRIISC (, which can help to provide diagnoses and healthcare for service-related illnesses and injuries.

  34. I served with 3/5 cav 3rd armor div and we were all over the place. I’m no genius but if you look at the stats they say roughly 250k took pb pills and this roughly 25 to 33% of 700k same amount that say are sick or have cmi, Im also sure that there are allot of other factors also but this should stand out the most, a drug not approved by the fda, but don’t forget you signed the bottom line, which…. I know I have same issues as rest of you… who knows? but I’m sure there are cover ups of what saddam had in bio weapons cause america supplied him for use against iran and this would make some american companies liable cause this was used intentionally or unattionaionally against us… ya it sucks but enjoy every day the best you can, and keep up the good fight for the freedoms we signed up to fight for….

  35. I served in 1991 gulf war at fleet hospital 15 outside Al Jubayl Saudi Arabia from Jan- May. Wre a stationary hospital and about 100 miles south of Iraq border. We were exposed to oil well smoke and ONE loud scud explosion near us. I turned 24 after I got back. I was physically okay for several years but my coping skills seem to slip. I saw several therapist and took anti depression meds on and off. Before I turned 40 I needed thyroid hormone replacement. By 48 I couldn’t keep employed (fatigue). I then joined VA healthcare and tested everything outside mental health. I have a hiatal hernia, degenitive disk disease in lower spine, positive bloodwork for chrones disease although CT clean. poor cholesterol, fatty liver (Non-Alcohol), Hasimoto’s thyroid (body attacks me, WTF! , Sever obstructive sleep apnea, (still learning this one). Been taking melatonin and erbs for sleep for years, I quit statin when fatigue got worse and my liver enzyme shot up (ALT). At 50 I got VA non svc connect pension. At 51 I am approved to switch to SSDI.

    1. Hello,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

  36. Marine Corp 2nd Marine Division, CSSD 26
    I have been fighting for over 12 years to get them to recognize my issues 30% and still swinging away.

    Vertigo, Fatigue,
    Check Out these links

    1. Gulf War Veteran, suffuring from Chronic muscle aches, Chronic Fatigue, headaches, Chronic joint pain, vertigo, arthritis, anaemia, Anxiety, Deppression and VA is not registering it. I also took pills given during desert storm/shield. Help us please!

      1. Hello Matshidiso,

        We’re sorry to hear about your health problems. If you are interested in learning more about our research, please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to Please let us know if we can answer any questions for you or provide information about seeking health care and treatment.

    1. Hi Michael,

      Thank you for your interest in our research. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

  37. Thank you for this. I’m currently going through all of this. I’ve been fighting with VA for many years and have grown tired of fighting. Thank you so much for this info..Salute

    1. Hi Jerral,

      Thank you for your interest in our research, and we hope it proves helpful. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

  38. GWI Consortium,

    Regarding children of GW veterans- have there been any studies or outreach (surveys) for percentage, aif any, of children having auto-immune issues? Specifically, GW veteran children having Psoriasis, but also any increase for all auto-immune issues.

    Also, is there any significant theory that Sarin, Cycolsarin, DU, oil well fires, and other regional environmentals, causes DNA breakdown? Has the WRIISC taken DNA sequencing into account when drawing veterans’ blood- and, if noted- in turn, asking about health of children of the veterans?
    Thank you- jc

    1. I know this is old but both of my children have skin issues. My wife has 3 children from a prior marriage and none has skin issues and no one else in my family has skin problems of any type.
      Myself like everyone here served during DS/DS and took the little white pills and shots as ordered.

  39. Served in the Persian Gulf from August 1990-April 1991. Breathed black soot from the burning oil Wells, faithfully took the “P” tabs every 8 hours and experienced scud attacks all day and every night at 2 am & 4 am.
    I have PTSD, chronic fatigue, chronic joint pain, panic attacks, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, headaches, depression, anxiety, and Short term memory loss.
    Has anyone filled a claim experiencing same/simular issues? I never wanted to file a claim because I didn’t want to bother the government or cost them any money but I need help now.
    Feel free to email me or call me at

    1. Hi Stephen,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. If you have questions about participating our research or would like information about seeking healthcare and claims from the VA, please contact us at 617-358-1717 or email

  40. I’m 53 a Gulf war veteran 222days in theatre. I have PTSD, degenerative disc disease, depression, anxiety, chronic joint pain,short term memory problems,2 heart attacks,2 spinal fusion. I was very healthy when deployed and when I got home but as time passes these problems started to plague me I tried to stay in shape but it has gotten progressively harder.benn denied by VA once ,now trying again haven’t been able to work for years now ,and scared to drive as I get lost sometimes

    1. Hi Brian,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. If you have questions about participating in our research or would like information about seeking healthcare from the VA, please contact us at 617-358-1717 or email

  41. I am a Gulf War Veteran who suffers from Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Chronic Pain, Severe Migraines, Sleep Apnea, Nightmares, Chronic Joint Pain, Back Pain, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Chronic Fatigue, and several more things. I’ve attempted to file several claims, talked to doctors, no such luck. My Primary doctor blames everything that has ever been wrong with me on my weight. I’ve been overweight all my life, but non of these issues til after service. I’m at the end of my rope. Is there any help out here for me?

    1. Hello Danny,

      We’re sorry to hear about your health problems. If you are interested in learning more about our research, please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to Please let us know if we can answer any questions for you or provide information about seeking health care and treatment. We recommend you ask your primary care doctor to refer you to the WRIISC (, which can help to provide diagnoses and healthcare for service-related illnesses and injuries.

  42. I am a 91 Gulf War Veteran. I was ordered and supervised, while taking the BP pills múltiple times. In 2009, I suffered a miocardial infarction or massive heart attack that left my heart at 15% ef. Ever since this event took place,I haven’t been the same. I feel like dying little by little each day.

    1. Hello Velazquez,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. If you have questions about our research or would like information about seeking healthcare from the VA, please contact us at 617-358-1717 or email

  43. I too was forced to take shots and assorted pills while deployed during DS/DS. I got sick once, passed out, awoke in a British hospital. About 10 years later, at 30, my endocrine system was about completely shot. (Even though I have no family history of any issues like this affecting a living father, mother, and 3 older siblings). Hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, etc, etc. Cronic fatigue and bronchitis. I dont know if anyone else suffers from a damaged endocrine system, but if anyone would care to collect information on me for a study that might lead to some answers, feel free to reach out to me or ask me to get in touch with you.

  44. No more studies, no more assessments, Veterans- more and more are joining the 22+ a day because of the apathy within the VA system,
    The congress, the branches of service, America needs to “scream” out loud for our soldiers, NOW ! Someone has to realize that some of us work till we are overcome physically and mentally.
    A phone call will not come close to fixing our lives.

  45. I was in the Gulf War 1990-91 . I got high blood pressure, high cholesterol, skin rash all over my body, joint derteriation, memory lost, body aches , arthritis

    1. Hi Roy,

      We are so sorry to hear about your health problems. If you would like to learn more about our study or want information about seeking health care and treatment, please call us at 617-358-1717 or email us at

  46. I received my 100% July 2015. My conditions is getting worse, digestion n memory. These two things is not part of my service connection. I’m interested in all studies, we shouldn’t have to go through a lot of bs. We need answers n help. VA is not getting us the help we need. I live in Indianapolis Indiana. It’s always the stomach flu. Being on that desert with the oil wells burning n everything else is going on . I’m surprised i, still living but living in HELL all these years.

    1. Hi Jeffrey,

      We are so sorry to hear about your health problems. If you would like to learn more about our study or want information about seeking health care and treatment, please call us at 617-358-1717 or email us at

  47. I’m still in the Marine Corps. I came in just in time to deploy to desert storm. I retire of 30 years in February 2020.

    My body hasn’t been the same since 1991. I’ve read other remarks above and I have been experiencing some of these same problems.

    Every joint in my body is in pain with arthritis, I’m tired all the time, never really fully gotten my breathing back (I’m always short of breath), my memory has been going the bad over the past few years. The doctors in the military are very inexperienced in this area, and can’t seem to find out what’s going on with me.

    1. Hi Russ,

      We are so sorry to hear about your health problems. If you would like to learn more about our study or want information about seeking health care and treatment, please call us at 617-358-1717 or email us at

    2. Hi Russ, a recent study on Persian Gulf War Illness carried out in UCSD (University of California San Diego) has proved that the cause for Gulf War Illness is “mitochondrial damage” for the many exposures we encountered while in The Persian Gulf. My guess is that most of the symptoms we experience are due to lack of energy to carry out our biological functions. All in all this situation will withdraw years of life and will ruin the edge to make a decent living when competing with healthy people for the little jobs there are. In my case, I have not been able to work at all for about 5 years and that’s for my Chronic Fatigue. The VA fails to compensate in spite that they see the proof now, but the bureaucratic system has too much red tape. I have received economic support from my family or otherwise I’d be homeless right now (me and my family). My advise is to file for compensation and appeal all the denials and get one of those specific studies done on Gulf Was Veterans so that you can prove your case with medical records (because regular clinical studies do not throw any light in this matter). I pray that you have good luck… and do not give up appealing your case until you get granted some compensation money for you and your family.

  48. Was in the Marines. Was in desert storm snd shield. Had the anthrax and other shots. Made the big golf ball sized knots in the back of your arms. Was around all the burn pits, burning oil fields etc. got back home and was told not to say anything if you had a problem because it would delay us from seeing our loved ones.

    Since the early 90’s started having a chronic cough, body aches, fatigue, etc…

    Now I fight chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, heart problems, joint pain, anxiety, Gaul bladder problems snd nearly every single problem associated to what ever the hell happened over there but the people in charge wants nothing to do with it. I have been a workaholic for years but now I am coming to the point of coughing up blood and pain in my joints are so bad I am now limited to what I can even do. I feel like all us vets have been given a second chance to die for our country. Semper Fi.

    1. Hi William,

      We are so sorry to hear about your health problems. If you would like to learn more about our study or want information about seeking health care and treatment, please call us at 617-358-1717 or email us at

  49. GW vet here…in addition to bp and cholesterol, high glucose, and a couple of heart stents, we discovered a pituitary tumor in 2016 which had been hiding out for years, growing to about the size of a walnut and producing excessive amounts of growth hormone…acromegaly occurred. Had I been a youth I’d have been a giant by now, but as my growth plates are mature, I just sloughed off the excess calcium to deposit in the kidneys to make some spectacular stones over a period of about 2 decades or so. Won’t go into all of the soft tissue growth and joint issues, but the point of this overly long post is the endocrinologist told me this had increased my mortality rate. Wait…what? You have one life, and one death, right? OK, most people do, anyway. How do you increase a ratio of one to one? OK, what he meant was it has accelerated the mortality rate… I’ve aged faster than normal (can you believe they actually market pills to boost growth hormone production?!). Wonder if there’s some correlation here with this study.

    1. Hi Paul,

      We are so sorry to hear about your health problems. If you would like to learn more about our study or want information about seeking health care and treatment, please call us at 617-358-1717 or email us at

    2. Good morning Paul. I am in an almost identical state as you described. In my early 40’s I was also diagnosed with Acromegaly, after a few years of headaches and growths like little calcium bumps in my muscles. My tumor was about the size of a golf ball. After all my treatments I seem to be on the mend but that is 2 brain surgeries and proton beam therapy. Have you found any luck dealing with the VA on this or finding out anything?

  50. My husband served in the USMC, Desert Shield/Desert Storm. He got his pacemaker at 44 years old after suffering a heart attack from “unknown” causes. He also has extensive scaring around his lungs from all the burning oil he was exposed to in Kuwait and probably other chemicals from the scud attack in Jabal Al. He suffers from PTSD, chronic pain, fatigue, memory and hearing loss, oh and don’t forget the sleep apnea or degenerative disc disease, deteriorating knees, and a collapsed lung! He’s put in claims, but yet again gets denied denied denied! My thoughts and prayers go out to every single one of you that served and now are suffering with this horrible illness. God Bless

    1. Hi Dale,

      We are sorry to hear about your husband’s health problems. If he would like to participate in our study or would like more information about seeking health care and treatment, please contact us at 617-358-1717 or

  51. I think I already participated in this study? Regardless, just wanted to sound off.

    Joint pain, fatigue and memory problems have been my biggest problems. Started slowly after returning but feels like I fell off a cliff about 5 years ago, (turning 55 this year). V.A. makes me feel like Schrödinger’s cat. Keep the box closed (don’t look) and there’s no problem to solve. “It’s all in your head.”

    I just started going to a men’s health clinic and getting testosterone shots. Seems like my joint pain has improved a little but too soon to know if it’s going to be a long term positive?

    So, just want to send a big “fuck you”, to the psychopaths in government and all their minions and benefactors. Wish I’d possessed the wisdom in my youth, to have seen you for what you really are.

    1. Hi Dan,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. If you would like to participate in another study or want more information about health care and treatment, please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or email us at

  52. I was with 3/5 Marines and took the pills so that I wouldn’t, as our doc said, “do the floppy fish” if we got hit by nerve agent. I am now 52 and have been on cholesterol meds since age 35. I now have type II diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and arthritis and chronic pain in my knees, back and shoulders.I get bronchitis about once or twice a year. Until reading this article, I could not understand, and was very depressed by, the premature aging of my body, I have remained athletic through the years and was recently told by an orthopedist, “no more running”.

    1. Hi Eric,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems and thank you for your interest in our research. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

  53. I also took the pills and shots. When I asked if they would put them on my medical records, they said no. It’s classified.

    I’ve been having all the symptoms of GWS. Had a massive heart attack at the age of 50. Now my cholesterol and blood pressure if high. I’ve been fighting with the VA and keep getting denied.

    I did get disability for PTSD. Is there something I can do?

    1. I am a gulf war veteran .Combat support in log base echo ..I immediately experienced health problems memory loss chronic fatigue chronic muscle /joint pain, ibs, sleep apnea ,shortness of breath, I have had two recent strokes caused from brain admnormalities and have a slew of health issues. Rheumatoid arthritis …etc basically at 48 I have the capability of someone in his 70s I am writing this to support claim of my fellow comrades..God bless you and thank you for your service

      1. Hi Michael,

        We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

    2. Hi Gary,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. We recommend that you ask your primary care physician to refer you to the War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC), which can help veterans receive diagnoses and treatment for conditions related to their service ( If you need any other resources, or if we can help in any other way, please reach out to our team at or 617-358-1717.

  54. The article states they were unable to find enough females for the study. Did anyone check with the 101st, 82nd as we both had/have medical BN and our medical was 50% females. I’m sure there were others but its been so many years I don’t recall. I was with the 101st AB DV 326 Med BN and took the PB tablets too and to this day have the S/S related of urgency to void that seem impossible to control. I’ve discussed this with some of my fellow veterans and they state the same.

    1. Hi Pam,

      Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

    2. Additionally need to check with the unit I was assigned to. 2nd AD, FSB, Tiger brigade..There we’re numerous women attached to them who are either getting a disability rating, and\or still fighting to get help with their issues….To include myself.

    3. Hi,

      I was in 887 Engr Co 326 Engr. Battalion during Gulf War. This is real. I am the only person I know that was diagnosed with this by a civilian doctor several years ago. I have researched many different areas of this and live it.

  55. I was with 4/101 Avn in Desert Shield/Storm. I retired in 94 and started having problems with my hips shortly after. In 2000 at the age of 45 I had to have double hip replacement. The VA doctor diagnosed it as avascular necrosis he said it was caused by too much drinking. I think that it’s BS but that was his diagnosis. I get 50% for my knees and hearing but they refuse anything for my hips. Anyone else with this problem. Please contact me at I am ready to give up on the system but I gave 20 years of my life to this country and think I deserve better than this.

    1. Hi David,

      We are so sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

  56. I was with the 101st AIRBORNE division 501st sig bn. I’m a desert storm veteran. I was given shots and had to take pb pills. I’m 53 years and have several health problem. High blood pressure, stage 5 renal failure and trying to get va disability. I’m on step 3. I would like to know if there is any desert storm veteran with renal failure and what steps they took. I’m tried of dealing with the VA. We serve with honor, but we are not being served with honor from our country.

    1. Hi Wilfredo,

      We are sorry to hear about your health problems. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

    2. B Co 502nd FSB 2 AD Fort Hood,TX I agree with you, I returned extremely sick, was told your to young to be this sick, “GETOUT OR WE WILL PUT YOU OUT!” got back 03-1992, ETS’D 07-1992 EARLY OUT, airborne was our next door neighbors for a little while, we was attached to 2nd marines, been siick every since, 1st 8 years was the worst, VA refused to help with PTSD or anything else, they would however give plenty of pills for unknown illnesses?? Fact is as I currently see it, if you want help don’t depend on the VA or you may never live to regret it,, Outside insurance such as the health market (Obama care) or some other insurance is best, watch your 6, they withhold medical evidence in records or will lie on reports which will mess you up..C-files included,

  57. I was in the 82nd Airborne Division and pushed into Iraq during the ground war. I received anthrax vaccinations, took PB pills every 8 hours as ordered and a mystery pill given (ordered) to us the night we pushed into Iraq. We were in the area were our engineers blew up Iraqi ordinance containing sarin. There were blown up Iraqi burning tanks and vehicles, enemy bunkers, dead bodies etc. I have tested positive for DU and suffer from multiple symptoms; constant chronic migraines(lasts for days even with meds) severe joint pain, fibromyalgia, GERD, IBS, hiatal hernia, extreme fatigue, memory loss, food gets stuck in my throat (many ER visits to remove), gall bladder removed, I’ve shit my pants more time then I care to remember (embarrassing, especially at work) etc. I’m 80% service connected. I feel older than my father but I’m only 49. I work full time but constantly having to take time off sick, it is a constant struggle, I feel like I’m alone. I feel guilty for feeling sick and tired all the time, it takes away time from my family, I don’t know how much longer I can continue…

    1. Hi Michael,

      We are so sorry to hear about your serious health problems. We would like to help you in any way we can. Please give us a call at 617-358-1717 or an email to if you are interested in learning more about our study or if you would like for us to send you information about seeking health care and treatment.

  58. Michael Belscher,

    I feel you brother. Try 420. Eat greens and it will turn your gut bacteria around. Walking a mile or more a day will stimulate and help the gut to lower the chronic fatigue and the other stuff.

    Stop eating anything with pesticides. It is just watered down nerve agent. Wheat has a ton as does corn… Just eat rice and potatoes for a weeks and see how you feel.

    Meditation has helped.

  59. I am an army DSS veteran who spent 20 years on active duty, serving on 3 continents as a nurse anesthetist. I retired in 1992 from the army. I was a PROFIS filler anesthetist for a forward army reserve combat support hospital in VII Corps: the 403rd Combat Support Hospital from Phoenix. There is a list of sarin/cyclosarin exposed units that can be found on-line: my hospital is on the list of reserve units exposed to nerve agents from the Weapons Depo demolition at Khamisiyah after the war.

    We were exposed to many other environmental toxins as mentioned in other posts. 1/3 of my hospital has had deaths and illnesses related to sarin exposure and other exposures. Those medical members have had difficulty getting service connection too. Our hospital commander was also a VA physician who was having trouble getting his own troops service connected. But the VA has become better now so please resubmit your claims! I encouraged one of my friends to refile and she is now 100%.

    Even though I am a medical person I did not understand that my host of symptoms was related to Desert Storm environmental exposures until reading a medical review article in 2016 about the 25 year history of Gulf War Illness in the journal: Cortex, the article’s name is: “Recent research on Gulf War Illness and other health problems in veterans of the 1991 Gulf War: Effects of toxicant exposures during deployment” January 2016, volume 74, pages 449-475. The first author is Dr. Roberta White from the Boston School of Public Health. I recommend veterans get this article and share it with their physicians!

    My VA physicians know little about the explosion of recent research on Gulf War Illness, so it was imperative that I go to a WRIISC, War Related Illness and Injury Study Center. I went to the one in New Jersey. Ask your VA physician to fill out the paperwork referral to send you to the WRIISC or you can also go yourself after a telephonic pre-screening. But also every Desert Storm vet is entitled to a Gulf War Exam by a physician, using in a post-deployment or post 9-11 clinic setting, regardless of whether they are registered with the VA for routine care…. although you may have to show your DD 214 to be seen. These steps are important to do before filing a disability claim and before going to one of the 3 WRIISC sites. Including copies of GWI research inclusion and participation as an affected Gulf War Veteran will help your claim for connection too, in my opinion. The paper trail of: 1. Gulf War exam, 2. WRIISC report, 3. documentation of GWI research participation by inclusion of copies of your signed research “informed consent” papers for participation …in your claims file is helpful to substantiate your claim for service connection. Also, ask to see at your VA the “occupational and environmental medicine” physician specialist to document HOW your exposures have affected your health. These physicians are the toxicology experts on environmental exposures. Or paying out of pocket for a visit to a board certified occupational and environmental medicine physician specialist may help you casually link your exposures to your Gulf War symptoms.

    For those of you who have chronic fatigue, like me, I have found that over the counter ubiquinol 100-200 mgm/ day (Jarrow manufacturer….look on Amazon or health food store for this manufacturer) helps me tremendously since this aids mitochondrial function. GWI research supports the use of ubiquinol, but do discuss ubiquinol use with your physician before taking this supplement. For anxiety and/PTSD consider speaking to a physician about legal CBD oil from hemp (full spectrum, not the isolate). CBD oil which has anti-inflammation properties, should be from a manufacturer that has third party testing to make sure there is no pesticide residue and no lead contaminants. The CBD should have a “batch number” too.

    Many of us have depression with GWI and indeed it is often because we do not, as exposed Gulf War 1 vets, make enough of the neuro-transmitter: dopamine. So treatment with the prescription drug Wellbutrin may be very helpful for both depression and fatigue. The GWI research has shown that Wellbutrin is often helpful in GWI depression (or dysthymia) and fatigue. My Rx was prescribed by my VA psychiatric nurse clinician. I had other symptoms during or after the war: urinary frequency, memory challenges, distraction almost like ADHD, cognitive challenges, hypothyroidism, difficulty discerning fullness after eating, low libido, non-restorative sleep, increased muscular tension in some muscles that require acupuncture and PT, weakness in other muscles and delayed nerve conduction, trouble with balance, With aging I now have elevated blood sugar levels and I have osteoporosis. I have low salivary cortisol. I will be asking to have a full endocrine work-up soon and will ask that my endocrinologist read endocrine research done by Bronx VA, Dr. Julia Golier, as a guide for their approach.

    I am service connected just this year. I have been reading many complaints in posts about the VA. BUT the VA gets all its funding and establishes priorities from the CONGRESS, who you elected! Write to the House and Senate Armed Services Committees! This is a Congress issue more than a VA issue. And ultimately this is a USA citizen issue. Citizens love soldiers because soldiers do what most citizens do not want to do. But citizens do not love veterans. Citizens have an approach-avoidance with wounded vets and do not appreciate veteran sacrifices that come with costly $ injuries/illnesses. Also, tell your congressmen and women that you do not want privatized healthcare as vets! Have you noticed that many VA Compensation and Pensions exams are now contracted to civilian groups like LHI and QTC? I have been disappointed in these contractors. Do you want this? I do not. Privatization of VA is happening. Congress in 2016 awarded 6.8 billion dollars for five years to private contractors for disability or Compensation and Pension exams. That contract may have already been extended further. Write your Congress about your inabilities to get service connected. Write your president about not privatizing the VA. Tell our Congress to prioritize Gulf War Illness research and make VA physician education on Gulf War Illness MANDATORY, since it is optional now. Tell Congress to provide the $ funding for these priorities! The VA gets its money from CONGRESS and CONGRESS decides VA priorities.

    Right now Gulf War 1 vets cannot get care and case managers in post-deployment clinics, only post 9-11 vets can get this as warriors. Get that changed through CONGRESS establishing DSS as a priority after 27 years. Vietnam vets can get service connection presumptively from dioxin exposure (as a contaminate in Agent Orange) for diabetes, ischemic heart disease, prostate cancer and cancers of the respiratory tract, but Gulf War 1 vets exposed to the same toxic dioxin, (from burning plastics in burn pits), cannot get presumptively service connected for the same illnesses! Presumption for service connection comes from Congress telling the VA what it should prioritize and by Congress providing the VA funding to get it done! Complain to Congress, not the VA, because the VA does nothing apart from Congress. Pay attention to the next election and see who is helping big business (LHI) get ahead and who is really helping Gold Star families.

  60. I am a gulf war vet. And I have had since i was 38 after leaving the military. High blood pressure, diabetes, ptsd, depression, now just had 5 bypasses of heart did 3 months ago. But no prior warning to heart issues and get seen by va and civilian doctors routinely. Took pb tabs and other stuff during and after desert storm. This is crazy i atleast finally received 100 percent disability. But memory is not good and all the health conditions have made me feel 20 years older. And my heart doctors said 48 is crazy low age to have all 5 major heart veins completely blocked. Very interesting study and article.

  61. 3rd Armor, Fifth Core, Second Brigade. In the tip of the 3rd Amor spear. Maximum exposure plus maximum exposure to the burning Kuwaiti oil field for two and a half months. I have most of the symptoms described above and did something about my health myself after I learned that the VA is not collecting information on the Gulf War Illnesses. I now have a degree in biology, anatomy & physiology to be exact. I have learned that the only successful treatment is by nutrition by way of supplements to support every function of the human body. The Gulf war illness ravages the body due to the digestion systems lack of capability, which impairs the immune system. Then homeostasis falls apart like a house of cards. Medical professionals in this country don’t define health by way of nutrition and that’s the problem with treatment as it has not been successful with pharmaceuticals that comprise the immune system even further. You see, when your hair grows back, that’s an indication of a level of healing due to improved homeostasis. Nutrition defines homeostasis…each type of tissue requires an exact type of nutrition, each process within each internal organ requires an exact type of nutrition. Pharmaceuticals are a foreign substance that the immune system cannot deal with while fighting off bacteria and fungi at the same time, which further weakens the immune system leading to increased aging and severe health issues.

    If any health organization is interested in actually healing sick vets by way of my prescribed method of nutrition contact me. If your a pharmaceutical hack just making veterans sicker ending their lives sooner don’t contact me and stop treating symptoms with chemicals that their bodies can’t handle.

  62. I am a 67 year old veteran of the Royal Air Force. I was deployed to the Saudi Airbase at Dhahran at Christmas 1990. I was employed as the senior electrician on the NBC Cell.
    My main duty was maintaining the COLPRO (NBC shelters).
    On the 19 January a Scud missile was intercepted by a Patriot missile. The war head of the Scud landed on the airfield within 100 yards of me and immediately 27individual devices sounded the alarm.
    These devices were not connected in any way. When we carried out the final test, a series 3 RVD (Residual Vapour tests) it indicated a non persistent nerve agent.
    A desk bound warrior at the MOD ( Ministry of Defence) based in London, told us it was unburnt fuel from aircraft taking off.
    This was strange as no aircraft were taking off at this time , in Station Standing Orders (SSO’s) they were banned from takeoff during Scud Alerts.
    I have had 27 yes 27 heart attacks, have COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( MOD diagnosis), have severe memory problems and am in a wheelchair due to sever arthritis in the spine, hips and legs.
    I would like to take part in your testing but unfortunately cannot afford to fly to Boston.
    Yours sincerely
    Richard Turnbull

    1. Richard Trumbull who served with the Royal Air Force during Desert Shield/Storm….your interest in being a GW1 research participant is laudable. Do you live in the UK? If you live in the UK has your socialized medicine health care system taken care of all your related health issues and provided you with funds if you can no longer work? I believe you may be able to ask about Gulf War Illness research participation in the UK by contacting the Center for Occupational and Environmental Health at the Univ of Manchester. There was a Gulf War Study by UK researcher: Cherry back in 2001 and perhaps that institute has continued Gulf War 1 research in affected UK military members. I am sorry to hear about all your health issues. This is a long, lonely road, but I hope for medical insights soon that can help us all live better as we advance in age.

  63. I just saw this article appear on my phone news feed. I too have multi symptom gastro, pulmonary, muscular skeletal, memory, and sleep issues. I started having these symptoms in 92 and went to the VA complaining of them. I never have a solid stool for example even to this day. They did all sorts of tests on me and found pulmonary impairment but blamed it on my couple of years smoking with zero follow up action. I was young and graduated college. I went into private care with insurance from there so complaining of symptoms. No doctor could ever find anything wrong. I spent thousands of dollars in copays for specialists to tell me they can’t find anything wrong. Frankly I just gave up and dealt with the symptoms my whole adult life. Fast forward to today and for the past several months at the age of 49 I feel like a senior citizen. I have a malaise which makes me feel like getting out of bed is climbing Mount Everest. I saw that the VA admits all this stuff now and there is a presumed connection if you have the symptoms. Contrary to that information my primary care provider has called gulf war illness a mystery disease not based in science and told me it’s all in my head. I did the gulf registry exam which the dr told me the same and wasn’t even aware the va admitted the exposures and symptoms. My primary DR has since found after much teeth pulling and demanding tests that I do have a pulmonary function issue and has measured nodules all over my lungs from ct scan. Done zero with gastro and she is sure it is allergies…. it is a battle and I am trying to file for disability but cant get diagnosis or multi diagnosis from the va so far… it’s just deny deny deny cover up and lie…. I have been exposed they know what this stuff does to the human body and they refuse to treat me as such. They are treating me like a normal human who has never had any exposures and assigning diagnosis that doesnt fit…. such as my lungs are asthma…… arrrrrgggggg!

    They do not care about the troops. Especially if we cost them $$ we are left to suffer and deal with it!

    I am trying to gather these stories and maybe form a class action lawsuit or whatever it takes to demand accountability from this corrupt government who really treats injured vets like trash!

  64. I can completely relate to the memory loss as it has been frustrating and time consuming since I came home from Desert Storm. I experience deep joint, muscle and nerve pain which upon return home it began once in a while and now has me crawling across house floors every evening after work because of the tremendous pain. I am fortunate to wake on any day without needing 30-45 minutes to be on my feet and broken blood vessels appear frequently at the nerve endings of each joint below my waste. I am not upset about the many problems I came home with when I was young and serving because ultimately, we were all part of preliminary studies (in other facets of medicine) that were done to help other service members today and in the future but when the pain comes after a hard day or when muscles spasm without warning and when I feel like someone is pushing a blade into my legs, those are the days I am reminded of the smoke filled black air and soot of various oils and chemicals which set at the top 3 inches of the ocean surface and I contemplate if I or anyone else who was there could have done more to avoid exposure. Not likely.

    1. Please contact me @discardedvet on twitter and search youtube for discardedvet. Link to youtube is on twitter bio. I am trying to unite all of us with these issues together so we can figure out exactly what has gone wrong with us and demand accountability from our government. They admit it now but they really don’t. I am livestreaming my experience through the VA, the hurdles, and my story about the barriers placed before me in this fight for my health. I know many others are going through the same thing as me. Please join me and lets all band together/share/discuss on livestreams and get the word out. We need to show the american people the true costs of war because they are NOT COUNTED!!! we are not counted….. our suffering has been muted.

  65. Wow! 9 year vet and gulf war vet as well. My life was fine for first few years after I got out in November of 93. I worked ALOT! But then again I was only 27 yrs old when I got out! Freshly married and pumped 3 kids out by 98, worked my ass off to provide for them and keep my wife at home to raise them, with all that going on i never realized all of my problems as they snuck up on me til one day they finally caught up with me and smacked me right in the throat! ! Everything I’ve been reading from all of your problems are my problems to a tee ! PTSD, chronic pain, severe arthritis, my joints hurt all over every day! I got addicted to the oxy pain killers bad, then the VA cut me off cold turkey! ! So you know I turned to H to keep from withdrawing, cost me my job because I was so depressed and in so much pain that I didn’t want to go to work and pretty much couldn’t go. It cost me my job my house and my relationship with all 3 of my kids as they totally disowned me and my wife because of the whole situation. Thank God for my beautiful wife of over 25 years now because she is all that I have left and always has my 6 even through 2 suicide attempts! I have been getting treatment from the VA for depression, PTSD, chronic pain and night terrors which leaves me with approximately 2hrs of sleep every 2-3 days for approximately 12 years now, so while they admit that I do have all these problems and they do treat me for them, they deny any responsibility for any of it and have denied my claims several times now. I’ve also been denied ssdi. Living in a 2 room studio type place off of unemployment that just covers the rent! We get a whopping $15 month food stamps for myself and my wife combined! WTF! Unemployment will run out soon and if I can’t get a job before then we’ll be homeless on the street with not even a vehicle to sleep in! I need to get signed up for the gws evaluation ASAP and refile for disability with VA and ssdi both!
    Good luck to everyone and keep fighting for what we all deserve for our time and suffering! God Bless!

  66. Attn mr trump and wife kids friends and miss silk and Dimond .God bless you all amen .i am rev Dolphus collins again veteran 67 age jks ms civil rights onfacebook help vets free 40 yrs .40 yrs now bva va sect of vet affairs judge Dannhue and vet u s court .judge moorman .all of them paid the atty from ohio paid him 5000480dollars now still fraud lie wantpay me at all the veteran Dolphus collins want pay my son David k collins ssa doing us same way thanks mr trump amenAttention mr trump and wife and kids with love i am a man of god with no bad record im not a perfect man want nobody believe that lie anyway but what i know i know i know im a child of god love god and love people 65-year-old man e2 rank the va the bva and many more cause me to much hard ship in many cases for 40 years they cause many hard ship lying stallin and frauding i know i won this case over and over any many ways many big folks want me to hire them in big places want to represent me in this case the main one and the head one is yeld college want to represent me in this lawsuit against the secretary of veteran affairs so im saying if you all do not want this you can come back to me with another settlement now quick like you did 16 years ago if you all offer me that same disability a month and that same u years and back money or more and pay my son David k Collins 18year old what the state messed up he is disable he my dependent he lost a kindney they messed up to surgeries if yall do that and do that quick we sleep good yall sleep good and every be happy if not just let me know quick cause me Yale college can be yall nightmare and anybody else i can get rev Dolphus Collins civil rights for vets on Facebook Jackson Ms thanks amen I am a black vet from benton ms country .65age now .not any bad record .man of God .civil rights person. For vets for all people rights .i got in army l4 l5 low back spine .put in for my va money .1975 .jks ms nov.won case many times .at the bva washington dc .by what they sect then wrote .and what they judge s wrote two times and there attys and mandated .then at cout of vets appeals won under judge hollway same court judge green black judge i talk to him at his cout about the mess on phone and sent proof .he rule in my favor and mandated it .the court atty jack lane jr wrote a brief letter sent to me to this same address said i have won to by evidence and u nder e a ja federal law to .a atty from ohio from ohio contact me he got in the case name micheal j mooney .i won with him in the case .same court .the bva va trusury dept paid that atty 5 000 .480.00 .cause i had won again with the atty. U nder e a ja federal law .a judge at the same court got in the case name judge moorman .work under the chief judge and lied like a big fat dog and said i had not won any thing sir .all of them rooted back and for 30 ys still lieing want pay .now last week va watch dog jim strickland text me .then for first time Dept of vet affairs claim intake center from janvesville wi .sent me a two page letter saying they got what they need .but still want pay .last night i text the sect of vet affairs at home that was sect of vet affairs under obama staff .sent him all of the proof .he text me back gave a lady name. Work at sect of vet affairs under mr trump .i sent her all of the proof .now she want text are talk this her name and gmail there under trump rev Dolphus Collins civil rights person for vets and all people… attn my 5000.friends facebook say i have with love Dolphus collins jks ms onfacebook black vet xarmy man .e2 rank .help vets free 40 yrs now .share this please .this is who bva va got texting me now up to date gmail name lieing like a big dog for them in my va case and about others vets i try to help. We stand to geather all vets .let them know we are not crazy and no fool ok share this big time ok .rev Dolphus collins onfacebook jks ms love you thanks Disability rights section 100060830beggu-oyhw Dolphus collins e2 rank jks ms 27 52 utah st 39213 bva va vet court case no 19..0801

  67. Incredible of all of the issues that I have from the GW that so many others on here have. A couple weeks ago, I was driving with my wife to see a Rheumatologist that has been chasing my problems. On the way, I began getting a bit confused and pulled over to trade places with my wife. Soon after, I suddenly was overcome with what I can only say was just like Brain Freeze when you drink a slushy way too fast. The difference was that the brain freeze was between my ears and not at my sinuses. I wasn’t drinking or eating anything cold. Anyone else been hit by this sort of event?

  68. Hello BOSTON COLLEGE… G C Hall USMC …it’s a shame that those of us that was deployed to Desert Shield/Desert Storm 1990-1991, had to wait until we were in international waters before given all the experimental drugs from the UK , 1st red flag… From what I can gather, the drugs were made to speed up the heart ( like meth ) so that when gassed, our blood would flow faster to flush nerve gas through our liver faster, 2nd red flag … when on the USS PENSACOLA, all MARINES would be called to formation on the flight deck… when in formation our PLT Sgt would walk with NAVY CORPSMAN and physically put the pills in our mouths , we would take a drink and swallow, then they ( PLT sgt and NC ) would look in our mouths to make sure we swallowed it down , this took place many many times, 3rd red flag… When us MARINES were on LCACS to hit the beach for a training mission we were given chemical tags , which told what kind of agent was on us… during training our tags was showing a chemical attack of some kind, so we put on chemical suits… come to find out we had been sprayed with pesticides, 4th red flag… this went on during all of GWI, while in international waters/ never on USA land or waters … this tells me we were TRUE laboratory rats… my health is a joke now !!! I had very high blood pressure when released from active duty…I had my first heart attack at age 44 , 2008 … I had my second heart attack at age 47, had to have a triple bypass… currently I’m age 55 and I feel like I’m 65 … I believe you BOSTON COLLEGE folks are a 100% right when saying those of us in DS/DS are aging much quicker than we should, we are because of experimental drugs , pesticides, paints, etc…
    I am thankful for you all !!! For trying to figure all this out for all of us that was deployed to The War in the Persian Gulf … I SALUTE you all!!! SEMPER FI BROTHERS… HALL out…

  69. I was in Desert Storm – with the 350th Evac hospital as we approach the 29th anniversary of the start of the war tomorrow. I remember that night being given the BP tablets and watched as took the first dose. Thank God I was in a medical unit – the Drs gave us great advice – not to continue dosing ourselves with those pills besides that first dose that I was watched as I took them didn’t take the rest. I have the package that we were given locked away in a nice secure safe as proof that we were giving those pills! I feel bad for all who have suffered since Desert Storm and I am thankful that at this point I am one of the lucky ones health wise! God bless all of you who are suffering!

  70. I was in Iraq as well with an MP unitout of Fort Bragg. I am 49 but feel 79, I have had two knee replacements, two back surgery and shoulder surgery as well. I have PTSD, anxiety, irritable bowel, every joint in my body hurts 24 hours a day, high cholesterol and diarrhea daily since 1991 except if on pain medicine, chronic fatigue which the VA always says is depression and have the tuberculosis germ in my lungs. I always felt it was just me so hearing everyone else I now know it not. Please contact me for your study if still available and to all my fellow soldiers fight on your all heros even if we are broken.

  71. Went to the VA expert on infectious disease and she told me what I have is called a “government coverup”. Returned a year later, as she suggested, and she did a complete turn around and told me not to come back basically. My opinion is she is afraid she will lose her pension if she helps me. By the way, I am not a veteran, but this can be transmitted with close contact. It is not just the veterans with “gulf war syndrome”. What do we do?

  72. Is anyone out here that was part of 23rd Engineering Battalion out of Hanau, Germany? If so, please contact me immediately. I have suffered unknowingly for years assuming it was just me and not because of GWI. I’m done with that, I want others from 23rd Engineers to come forward and demand that our presence was with/in support of the 37th Engineers while destroying missiles and rummaging around in bunkers that we removed missiles from. I have IBS, hair loss (no not male pattern baldness), memory issues, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, headaches, nose bleeds, and late onset depression/anxiety.

  73. By the way, all this did not start with the Gulf War. Others were in that area earlier and their care has been completely ignored in documents I have seen online.

  74. If your wife experienced problems, would you please inform me if she died and at what age. If you found a helpful physician, I would be interested in that as well. I don’t think I have much longer. I will probably have an emergency room visit and just bleed to death or my tissues will just tear apart at some necessary junction. Any information you could provide me I would be greatful for. Thank you.

  75. Other GWI research  directed by Sullivan and colleagues has shown that Gulf War veterans in general are aging faster than nonveterans. Study subjects were shown to have rates of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart attack, diabetes, stroke, arthritis, chronic bronchitis, and other conditions normally associated with people about a decade older than they were. And veterans who reported being exposed to chemical warfare agents and taking PB pills had especially high rates of heart attack and diabetes. “These results are similar to chronic conditions related to agent orange in Vietnam veterans,” Sullivan says.  

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