SPH Wins Gold, Silver CASE Awards.

June 25, 2021
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The 2020 issue of SPH This Year the School of Public Health’s annual year-in-review magazine, won two Circle of Excellence Awards—Gold and Silver—from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) on June 9.

The publication represented a collaboration between Boston University’s Creative Services and the SPH Communications team. The magazine focused on the future of public health in a post-COVID era, and highlighted the innovative work that SPH faculty, staff, students, and alums have done to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic—and many other critical issues—to create healthier, equitable conditions that advance racial, social, and economic justice.

The international awards program honors outstanding work in advancement services, alumni relations, communications, fundraising, and marketing at colleges, universities, independent schools, and affiliated nonprofit organizations.

The magazine received the Gold Award in the Publications: Institutional Relations—President’s Reports and Annual Reports category, with the judges commenting on the “innovative approach to design that results in a really eye-catching publication” and stating that the “layout, especially the use of color and the varied imagery and well-written text, created a harmonious balance between the institution and reader.”

SPH This Year took silver for the Design—Periodicals and Magazines category, for which the judges described the magazine as a “unique publication” with an overall layout that is “dynamic and appealing to look at.”

BU received a total of 13 awards, the second highest number of awards by any higher education institution this year.

CASE received almost 3,000 entries for consideration in 100 categories by 530 member institutions of higher education, independent schools, and nonprofits, from 27 countries. Judges gave more than 500 Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Grand Gold Awards. The winners were selected based on overall quality, innovation, use of resources, and the impact on the institution or its external and internal communities.

The 2021 issue of SPH This Year, which showcases the school’s commitment to advancing public health in a post-COVID era, will be published in the fall.

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SPH Wins Gold, Silver CASE Awards

  • Jillian McKoy

    Senior Writer and Editor

    Jillian McKoy is the senior writer and editor at the School of Public Health. Profile

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