• Charlotte Greenhill

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There are 3 comments on ‘Everything we do should be for a purpose: to serve mankind.’

  1. This article showcases how humanity should live. Doing profound work yet impactful with the simple spirit of botho (ubuntu) which runs across all of humanity and is what makes us human.

  2. Thank you very much for this presentation. I am very much inspired by the way my former boss Ma El Halab has put her story rising from an ordinary health professional at MoHW in Botswana going through different positions at the ministry and reaching the top level as a Permanent Secretary. Then going to WHO and reaching a position of a Director in the office of The Director General of WHO. I have worked with Ma El Helab in Botswana for about 15 – 20 years, I do appreciate her approach to people she works with, that is, the principle of ” Botho” mentioned in this narrative and I can atest to that! I for one did experience it from her, I wish her the best in her endevours, and our Almighty God bless her more and let her spread the Botho principle at that level she is now, so that other professionals can emulate her.

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