Justice is a core value of our community. We mean to make the practice of treating all people with dignity and respect a tenant of every aspect of our work — in the classroom, in the conference room, in the hallway, and beyond. Creating this community, one that is characterized by a culture of inclusion, is an act of deep caring and intention that takes time and a relentless willingness to ask and answer tough questions. There is no finish line, but there can and must be progress.

Our collective passion for social justice and vision for a better future lights the path, centering the work of the Activist Lab in the margins of society.   

The starting place for the Activist Lab is building our capacity as a school to call people in, and challenge concepts, not individuals. This looks like learning from the experience of students in the classroom, building opportunities to convene and guide faculty and staff in refining teaching, and practicing hard conversations across our community.   

Upcoming Events:

Check back here soon for more opportunities for Health Conversations!

Past Events:

Healthy Conversations Faculty:

  • May 19, 2021, 2–3:30 PM
  • June 21, 2021, 10–11:30 AM

Healthy Conversations Staff:

  • May 27, 2021, 9–10:30 AM
  • June 23, 2021, 1–2:30 PM

Healthy Conversations Students:

  • April 26, 2022, 1-2 PM

Race & Policing: Continuing the Conversation 

Racial Equity Data Road Map

400 Years of Inequality


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