Medicaid Policy Lab.

Boston University Medicaid Policy Lab engages in scholarship focused on Medicaid, the state-federal partnership program that provides access to health care for over 70 million low-income people. Medicaid is a primary payer for births, children, mental health care, and long-term care in the United States. We are an interdisciplinary group of faculty and students from across Boston University, comprised of health services researchers, health economists, legal scholars, physicians, and political scientists. Our work evaluates the impacts of policy changes and innovative care delivery models on health insurance coverage, access to care, quality of care, and health outcomes to advance health equity. Medicaid Policy Lab researchers receive grants from public and private funding organizations, including the National Institutes of Health, the Health Resources and Services Administration, the Donaghue Foundation, Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust, the Robert Wood Johnson Fund, the Milbank Memorial Fund, and the Commonwealth Fund.

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HLPM Recent Publications

  • Published On 7/5/2024Clinical risk factors and blood protein biomarkers of 10-year pneumonia risk.PloS oneread at PubMed
  • Published On 7/5/2024Advances in difference-in-differences methods for policy evaluation research.Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.)read at PubMed
  • Published On 7/1/2024Prevalence and Correlates of Unstable Housing Among US Children.JAMA pediatricsread at PubMed
  • Published On 7/1/2024Gender-Affirming Hormone Treatment and Metabolic Syndrome Among Transgender Veterans.JAMA network openread at PubMed
  • Published On 6/29/2024Fractional CO2 Laser for Burn Scars: A Comparison of Patient Reported Outcomes Between Those With and Without Laser Treatment.Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Associationread at PubMed